  • 期刊


Applicability Evaluation of Water Mist System on Fire Protection of the Interior Parking Space




The purpose of this research is to evaluate the applicability of water mist system on the interior parking space, especially for the mechanical parking device. In this research, we conducted the real scale fire test in vehilce and vehicle fire suppression by foam system and by water mist system were both performed for the evaluation here. A steel frame structure with top covered by iron plate was used to simulate a mechanical parking unit. In addition, foam system and water mist system were used separately for us in this experiment to further discuss their fire extinguishing capabilities respectively. Our research results show the evidence that a vehicle fire is dangerous without a proper fire extinguishing system. For example, in our experiment, we found that the vehicle fire can only be suppressed by using foam system because the foam substance cannot reach the fire source due to shield effect from vehicles. By using water mist system, the fire extinguishing capability is worse than foam system. Water mist system cannot efficiently put out the vehicle fire under the semi-open condition and it needs either ejecting directly to the fire source or implementing this system in a closed space, which is really not practical for construction of the interior parking space. Therefore, the water mist system presented in this research is not applicable to interior parking space and the applicability of commercial water mist system on the interior parking space also requires more careful evaluations.


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