  • 期刊


An Interactional Ethnographic Study of Classroom-Based Curriculum


本文採用「互動俗民誌」的研究取向,了解一個國小二年級的方案課程(project)如何受其班級文化和師生互動而建構。透過觀察記錄、晤談、師生對話分析和圖表,先了解級教室日常生活和師生溝通的建立模式,及所建構的行為價值觀。教師的策略顯示,她特意經營一個學習社群文化(classroom as a learning community)以利她的建構式教學。之後還取”Shopping Center Project”,深入剖析該方案的課程歷史、每階段提供的學習機會和群體建構的資源為何,並追溯學生個人引用之前的資源,完成後續活動的關連。本文提供一個從班級的社會文化及歷史的整體脈絡探討班級課程建構的研究模式,對充實課程與教學的研究徑為和提昇教師成長有具體貢獻。


The perspective developed in this study provides a framework for understanding how an Interactional Ethnographic Approach was adopted in order to study a classroom-based curriculum constructed through interactional patterns among members in a second-grade classroom. Specifically, I explored how members' use of developing resources within a recurrent event, ”Shopping Center Project”, was consequential. This perspective creates a new expressive potential for studying how classroom-based curriculum is socially communicative and academically constructed by what members learn in and across time. It provides an enhanced theoretical language for studying curriculum and instruction, and promoting teacher development.


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