  • 期刊


Developing the TCSL Curriculum for Undergraduate Students: A Case Study in Chung Yuan Christian University


大陸改革開放改變了全球政治、經濟、知識的生態結構,同時也炒熱了華語學習的議題,使得華語教學成爲國際矚目的顯學。在華語教學中尤其不能忽略的是華語師資的養成過程與培育機制。 本文是以中原大學應華系爲研究對象,探討大學階段華語文師資的培育過程,選擇此研究對象的原因有二:第一,中原大學以全人教育理念辦學,其師資培育課程兼具校園文化的特殊性與華語文教學的專業性,具探討價值。第二,中原大學應用華語文學系於2002年成立,是臺灣第一所以培育華語文教育工作者爲目標的大學科系,呈現其課程發展的正面、負面經驗或有助於此專業的發展。 本研究依階段不同,採用文獻分析、參與觀察、深度訪談、問卷調查等方式進行,以探討應華系如何將新世代華語教師所需的四類知識:中國語文、應用語言學、華語文教育、資訊傳媒鎔鑄一爐,進而架構出一新穎的師資培育課程。 期望經由此個案研究,能描繪出兼顧專業素養與全人教育特色的四年制華語師資培訓模式,以提供未來海內外大學設置相關系所及修訂課程參考。


華語文 師資教育 課程發展


Due to changes of the political and economic policies in China in recent years, Mandarin becomes the most popular learning language in the world, which raises the needs of the qualified Mandarin teachers. Therefore, offering a well-developed the program for training Mandarin teachers is an important issue in the field of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL). This study was to discuss the training program for pre-service Mandarin teachers offered in department of TCSL in Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU). Due to the following two characteristics, the students in TCSL were intentionally selected as the target participants in this study: first, under the missions of CYCU, Holistic Education, the TCSL program emphasizes not only the professions but also the ideas of holistic education. Second, TCSL in CYCU was the first TCSL undergraduate program in Taiwan, so the experiences are worth to be known. The study adopted the following methods: document analysis, observations, in-depth interviews, and survey, to analyze a well-developed TCSL program for future Mandarin teachers who are required to have sufficient knowledge in four professions: Chinese Cultural and Education, Chinese Language and Literature, Media Communication and Foreign Language Practice. The purpose was to contribute the ideas of designing a four-year TCSL professional program for pre-service Mandarin teachers to the world.


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