  • 期刊


Job Stress and Coping Strategies of Taiwan's Airport Security Guards


911事件後,世界各國開始重視機場防劫攔阻,除新科技的研發外,並嚴格加強及落實安檢程序、訂定更嚴謹的法規及管理制度,以確實執行反恐行動。安檢人員在安檢程序中背負重大的責任,由於與旅客生命、財產安全及權益息息相關,職業性質特殊、任務繁雜,工作時間漫長且不固定,其執行職務之手段又常涉及強制、干預與取締,致成為一項高壓力的職業。 本研究探討國內機場安檢人員對於工作壓力的知覺與因應之道,以及集體主義和個人主義兩種文化特性的變項調節對壓力來源及因應方式的影響,採用國人自身文化體系的基礎構思,發掘國內機場安檢人員的壓力知覺與因應行為。 研究發現,機場安檢人員在執行勤務中的壓力主要來自「人際互動」、「設備及法令規章」、「工作自主權」、「工作負荷」及「組織氣氣」五因素,有別於過去其他和警察壓力的相關研究。而面對壓力時,安檢人員所採取的因應策略主要有「理性處理」、「社會支持」、「自我調適」三因素,而在文化特性的影響下,「工作負荷」的壓力源與「社會支持」、「自我調適」的壓力因應有顯著之相關。


After the Twin Towers in New York, U. S., were crashed by the planes hijacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001, the importance of airport security guards has been brought into focus. Every country in the world has started stepping tip its security procedures and setting tip more stringent management systems to rigorously execute its anti-terrorist acts, while security guards bear very heavy responsibilities, including long working time, force and intervention. Their work is becoming a high-stress job. In studies on the working stress concerning mass-transportation personnel, military officers and policemen, the focus has been on how working stress affects the body and the mind. Most researchers have adopted clinical physiology or personal traits as their research direction, while very few have given importance to culture. As a result, the phenomena and characteristics of the Chinese people cannot be completely reflected without taking into account national characters and cultural features. In understanding the consciousness of airport security guards over stress and response, if the mediating effects of culture can be taken into consideration, we may then provide more concrete suggestions as to how the working group of a given culture responds to and eases its stress. Therefore, this research is aimed to understand the airport security guard perceptivity of and approach to working stress, as well as the influences of collectivism and individualism stress and response. It adopts the fundamental concepts of the local cultural system and unfolds how the security personnel of Taiwan airport perceive and respond to pressure. The study shows that the pressure of airport security guards while on duty mainly comes from work interaction, facilities and rule regulation, work burden, work autonomy, and organization atmosphere. These results are different from those obtained from the studies about the police. Airport security guards will take a few steps, such as rational management, social support, self accommodation, when facing pressure. Under the influence of Chinese cultural aspects, the pressure resulted from work autonomy significantly appears to he highly related to social support and self-accommodation.




張愷玲(2012)。公務人員工作壓力之研究 -以考選部人員為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2012.00742
