  • 期刊


The Investigation of the injury rates among collegiate male and female basketball athletes


緒論:籃球專項運動需要大量的改變方向、衝刺及身體碰撞,也因此為最容易發生傷害的運動項目之一,但針對男女籃球員前瞻性傷害調查仍顯不足。因此,本研究目的在於分析與比較男女大專籃球運動員運動傷害發生率及容易造成傷害之部位與種類。方法:利用傷害調查表回報方式,由各隊隨隊防護員協助,紀錄男女大專籃球運動員(男女各18人,共36人)發生運動傷害之部位及種類。以卡方同質性檢定(Chi-square test)及獨立樣本t檢定分析傷害次數與傷害率之性別差異。結果:性別與傷害次數間具顯著關係(X2 = 16.5, p < .001),男性有較高的受傷機率(男性:18;女性:1.8;單位:次/每1000小時,p < .001),男女在傷害部位以腳踝(男性:30.6%;女性:58.3%)及膝蓋(男性:17.3%;女性:16.6%)占大多數,下肢是較容易產生傷害的部位(男性:66.7%;女性:83.3%),種類則以扭傷(男性:33.3%;女性:75.0%)以及撞挫傷(男性:29.3%;女性:8.33%)居多。結論:男性籃球運動員其傷害率顯著高於女性,且下肢與急性傷害較常發生,女性較容易發生扭傷,而男性有較大的機率發生撞挫傷,傷害的種類會因性別而有所差異。未來研究建議針對不同性別籃球選手,容易發生傷害之部位及種類,擬定預防傷害之訓練方針,期待能減少運動傷害的發生。


性別 運動傷害 下肢傷害率


Introduction: Basketball activity requires wide range of physical attributes, including the ability to perform repeated changing direction, sprint, and high-intensity contact. These movement characteristics of basketball could lead to high risk of injury. However, prospective investigations of basketball injury to compare male and female athletes are not sufficient. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the injury rates in collegiate male and female basketball athletes. Methods: The present study recruited thirty-six (20.2 ± 1.4 years old; 18 males and 18 females) basketball athletes. Participant were required to be aged between 18 and 30 years and active on basketball training within the past 2 years from UBA (University Basketball Association) team, more than 180 minutes basketball training per week. The injury rates were collected by athletic trainers using an injury questionnaire. The specific injury location and type were recorded. Data was analyzed by Chi-square homogeneity test and independent sample t test. Results: Significant differences in injuries were found between sex (X^2 = 16.5, p < .001). Male basketball athletes have a higher injury rate than females (18 vs.1.8 per 1000 hours, p < 0.001). The ankle (male: 30.6% vs. female:58.3%) and knee (male: 17.3% vs. female:16.6%) were the most common injury locations among male and female basketball athletes. Lower extremity injuries were occurred more frequently (male: 66.7% vs. female: 83.3%). Among the types of injury, acute injuries such as sprains (male: 33.3% vs. female: 75.0%) and contusions (male: 29.3% vs. female: 8.33%) were in the majority. Conclusion: Male basketball athletes have significant higher injury rate than females. The lower extremity injuries and acute injuries were common. The most common females' injury are sprains, whereas male more frequently sustained contusions. The sex disparity was exited on injury types. To develop the sex different prevention strategy on basketball athletes is critical for the future prevention efforts.


sex sports injuries lower extremity injury


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