  • 期刊


Research on Taiwan's Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous-Han Relationship: A Post-colonial Critique


台灣原住民在過去幾百年來不斷地因外來統治者憑藉強勢經濟、文化力量的入侵而導致經濟生活、社會規範秩序以及族群文化的失序乃至崩解,並淪為台灣社會最弱勢的族群群體。本文首先對於1980年代末之前,台灣主要研究原住民的學術社群對於原住民的現實處境缺乏關懷,而僅關注於原住民文化與文化現象的紀錄及詮釋之現象提出批判,並指出這樣子的缺失也導致了許多原住民知識份子的不滿。 本文其次討論作為原住民社群之根基的土地問題。原住民在歷經日本、國民政府之殖民統治,原本擁有台灣絕大多數的土地逐漸地淪喪,而其中即使原本設計為保護/障原住民僅存之土地權的保留地制度,每每成為土地淪落入政府或資本家手中之掩護。近年來國際原住民運動中,澳洲與加拿大原住民的還我土地運動獲致了相當的成果;台灣原住民乃至於政府雖然試圖學習他們的經驗,但是受限於台灣的地狹人稠、市場經濟進入原住民社群已久、以及原住民社群缺乏具有代表性的組織,土地權的取得對於台灣原住民仍是一條艱困的道路。 本文接著討論原住民認同與主體性議題。1980年代的原住民運動除了還我土地之外,主要便是追求主體性之「正名運動」。而在運動成功之後,原住民的另一個課題便是在各個族群的「族群認同」與統合的「泛原住民認同」之間找尋、安置適當的定位以及有利的策略。過去十年來,原住民傳統生活領域逐漸成為了觀光發展的熱門地區;加以國際上對於原住民作為自然生態的捍衛者之角色之確立,各種「文化觀光」與「生態旅遊」活動迅速地成長。然而原住民部落往往面臨資金、技術與經驗缺乏的問題,同時也必須對於如何在蜂擁的觀光人群中,維繫部落與社群的自主性問題進行深度的思考與規劃。本文最後對於原住民福利與健康議題,以及都市原住民所面對的課題進行討論。本文同時於結論中指出,原住民「問題」主要是源自於長期的、歷史地族群權力關係不平等;對於一個努力邁向多元文化的社會/國家,需要投注更多的社會文化資源,包括學術資源,來結構性地處理這些問題。


Over the past few hundred years, indigenous Taiwanese encountered waves of colonial domination, which resulted in their breaking down of economic, cultural, and social life. This paper first pointed out the lack of concern about indigenous people's daily life from Taiwan's academic communities; indigenous leaders since the 1980s have been very critical of such fact. The paper then discusses about indigenous people's lost of homeland with the succession of Japanese and Chinese colonial governments. Even when a ”indigenous reserve land” system was enacted by the latter, it is a common practice that either the government of the capitalists apprehend their land. While over the past few years, indigenous Taiwanese have tried to learn from both Canada and Australia's land claim experiences, the fact that Taiwan is a crowded island and indigenous groups lack representing organizations made their land claim difficult to materialize. Another important issue to the indigenous Taiwanese is their identity. While indigenous groups have been successful in ridding off their stigma, their difficult task is to balance between their own tribal identity on the one hand, and pan-indigenousness on the other. Finally, this paper discusses about most recent challenges facing the indigenous groups, namely, cultural and ecotourism, and urban indigenous people's issues. This paper argues that while there are many indigenous ”problems” existing in Taiwan, they are caused mainly by long term outside domination and unequal power relationship. As Taiwan is moving toward multicultural state, more social resources, including academic resources should be allocated to deal with indigenous issues.


