  • 期刊


Construct Life-long Learning and Civil Society: A Promoting Integrated Community Perspective


受到資本主義的影響,80年代臺灣經濟蓬勃發展,社會上也浮現了一些後工業社會的問題,只看重經濟發展、過度追求物質生活的結果,造成精神層面的空虛苦悶、環境生態污染、城鄉發展失衡、人群關係解構等問題。由於工業化、都市化發展的結果,社會結構開始改變,鄉村人口紛紛向都會地區遷徙,肇致住宅與公共服務需求快速增加,家庭組織漸漸地從傳統家庭變為核心家庭,造成家庭相互支持功能逐漸喪失,日益凸顯老人、兒童、身心障礙者的福利需求問題。而工業革命所創造的財富日益集中,更逐漸拉大貧富差距,造成失業、低薪與貧窮的蔓延。 面對國內貧富差距日益擴大、失業率不斷攀升、民主意識高漲,以及國際化、自由化、全球化、民主化的浪潮下,台灣亟需建立公民社會,凝聚生命共同體與生活共同體意識,建立核心價值,始足以因應社會發展的衝擊。由於「社區」是人類最基層的生活單元,如何以社區營造方式讓社區居民參與社區公共事務,並透過終身學習以解決社區問題,讓社區能永續發展,政府有責任營造一個有利社區學習的環境,將社區公共事務塑造成「社會教育」及「終身學習」的場所,公民社會自然有水到渠成的一日。


Under the impact from capitalism, some vexed issues are emerged gradually since 1980s in Taiwan, such as environmental and ecological pollution, mental illness, area development disorder, and neglected human relations. Those problems result from ignoring the importance of spirit life. For industrialization and urbanization, social structure is changing, most of people crowd to cities. And then the demand of public services and housing are running up, more nuclear families diminish family function. The urgent need of caring the oldster, children, and handicapped are emerging. On the other hand, fortune centralization, poverty gap, high unemployment, low income and poverty are gradually sweeping over whole country. Face up to poverty gap, high unemployment and Fifth-Right awareness, in addition to internationalization, liberalization, globalization and democratization, Taiwan need construct civil society, establish the consciousness of community life and living, and coagulate core value to meet the impact of social development. Due to community is a basic living unity of human society, how to encourage resident to engage in social works, solve social problems through life-long learning and perpetual social development are important issues for both government and people. When government offers learning community and transfer public work to not only social education but also life-long learning, civil society will be shaping.


孫梅芬(2007)。社區型非營利組織對公民參與之影響: 以內湖安全社區促進會為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2007.00167
