  • 期刊


The Conception of Parenthood and the Young Children's Culture


本論文旨在分析親職理念之意義、效應、重要性、多元性、以及對幼兒文化的影響。並藉著過去的親職理念之解析,提供本世紀的父母或大眾了解,啟發其未來教育子女之參考。本文係以內容分析法(content analysis)採非介入性(unobtrusive measures)的研究方式,收集有關親職理念之文獻予以分析,不直接進入現場作實徵性研究。 自二次世界大戰起,許多國家的男人尤其父親,大多離家前往前線打戰。家庭生活模式急劇改變,影響兒童的發展與教育,許多教育學者注意到家庭方面的問題。於是家庭關係的研究數量大增,範圍也擴及到親職教育的研究。1950年代至1960年代間,無數的學者更是努力研究有關父母特別是母親,對子女教養的理念、方法與態度,並分析其教養子女的態度與兒童行為的相關性。近世以來,工業的發達,科技的突飛猛進,致使物質文明超越社會文化,造成所謂的文化失調(culture lag),影響每位國民的正確價值觀,也衝擊到每位父母親職的理念。父母對於自己的職責逐漸模糊失焦,不知如何教育自己的子女。 經由深入的文獻分析與綜論,本論文研究者藉以引出一清澈的親職理念,即親子依附、互動、和愛是成就親職的要素。


親職理念 幼兒文化


The purpose of this study is to analyze the meaning, effect, signification, multiplicity of the concept of parenthood, and its impact on young children's culture. In this study, the researcher employed content analysis with unobtrusive measures to collect and elaborate upon parenthood related literatures. At World War II, because of the male, the father leaving for the war, the dynamic change of the family structure affected the development and education of children. Many educators started paying attention to family issues. From 1950 to 1960, many scholars studied parenting beliefs, styles, and attitudes as well as the impact of parenting styles on children's behaviors. There were increasing amount of researches on family relations and parenting education. Recently, the so-called ”culture lag” occurs under the spreading of materialism. The concept of parenthood is challenged. In this study, through the in-depth analysis and synthesis of literatures, the researcher has elaborated upon the concept of parenthood on young children's culture. The hope is to elicit a crystal clear flow of belief in parenthood. The researcher concluded that parent-child attachment, interaction, and love are the aspects of parenthood.

