  • 期刊


The Growth Trajectory of Learning Interest of Junior High School Students in the Academic Domain




It was often neglected that Taiwanese junior school students changed their learning interests in each semester. This research used the Keelung City Junior High School Students' Learning Status Survey Database to explore the growth trajectory of junior high school students' interest in learning Chinese, English, mathematics, geography, history and civic subjects in different semesters. Five waves of data of 1,586 students from 15 middle schools were obtained from this database, and the following conclusions were obtained through MANOVA and regression analysis: Among the six subjects of Keelung junior school students in five semesters, the interest in English learning not only declined year by year, but also had obvious differences in the learning interest in the previous semester, while the learning interest in the other five subjects roughly decreased with the grade, but there was no significant difference in learning interest between the two semesters. At the same time, among the six subjects, the gap in interest in Chinese learning from the first semester of junior high school to the next semester of junior high school three was the smallest, and the gap in English is the largest. This study found a prediction model from the learning interests of students in six subjects. Among them, Chinese middle school students' interest in Chinese, English, and geography in five semesters is roughly linear and gradually decreased; however, the learning interests of mathematics, history, and civics increased with the semester gone on, it was in a state of ups and downs, but the three subjects had different forms in the wave development. The interest in mathematics learning first increases in the first semester of the second grade, then declines in the next semester of the second grade, and then rises again in the third grade. Their interest in learning declined in the first semester of the second year of junior high school, then rose again in the last semester of the third year of junior high school, and then declined again in the next semester of the third year of junior high school. The contributions of this research were to find out the phenomenon that the interest of junior school students in the academic of study was seriously declining year by year, schools, teachers and students should focus on problems and put forward countermeasures. This study discussed the conclusions in depth and made specific recommendations.


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