  • 期刊


A Study for Taiwan Train-Quali System into International Tourist Hotel Industry


本研究主要分析國際觀光旅館業,在原有的教育訓練體系中,導入訓練品質評核系統(Taiwan Train-Quali System,TTQS)評核之情形,藉以提供相關建議供有心接受評核的國際觀光旅館業及職業訓練局參考。本研究採深度訪談方式,訪問國內三間國際觀光旅館負責推動TTQS之專責人員,探討其員工在職訓練過程中,在導入TTQS之規劃(Plan)、設計(Design)、執行(Do)、查核(Review)、成果(Outcome)的各階段進行研析。研究結果建議為企業高層的支持與決心、教育訓練需求與組織績效結合、專責人員需具備職能分析與課程設計能力、訓練制度合理化與標準化流程、定期檢討與改進等,皆是順利通過TTQS評核的重要因素。最後,期許本研究可供未來國際觀光旅館業導入訓練品質評核系統作為參考標準,畢竟對厚植台灣人力資本來說,此為一個具可行性、且符合企業單位與訓練機構需求,並具強化競爭力之訓練品質評核系統。


This paper discusses why it is necessary to implement the new Taiwan Train-Quali System (TTQS) under the framework of the existing training system specifically for international tourist hotel. Meanwhile, through case studies of those who already successfully implemented TTQS, a list of the key factors leading to such successes will be given. These factors are valuable references when the TTQS is implemented in international tourist hotel. This paper will summarize these factors and make suggestion to those hotels who are interested in implementing TTQS and to the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training. To look for these key factors of success this study conducted here looks into three hotels, and through interviews, investigates the effectiveness of employee training at various stages of TTQS implementation: Plan, Design, Do, Review, and Outcome. The research results indicates that these factors include the unyielding support of management, training needs meeting the performance requirement, hiring qualified personnel for training need analysis and training class design, training system streamlined and standardized, and periodic review and improvement. TTQS is a valuable system that brings up the skills of workforce and improves company's competitiveness. It is the author's hope that this study can contribute to a wide success in the future implementation of TTQS in international tourist hotel industry.


行政院勞委會職訓局。(2007) 。國家訓練品質計畫-TTQS 計畫。網址:http://www.b-training.org.tw/intro.asp。
林文燦、孔慶瑜、林麗玲(2009)。IIP、ISO 10015與TTQS差異分析。品質月刊。45(4),52-56。
