  • 期刊


Development and Strategy of Healthcare Information Technology Industry


在全球人口老化與慢性疾病日益增加的趨勢下,醫療照護產業成為所有產業當中最不受景氣波動所影響之產業。全球的資訊科技(Information Technology, IT)大廠更積極制定五年甚至十年的發展計畫,來搶食未來醫療電子產業的商機。本文中所選的IT大廠,不論是提供服務與軟體為主之廠商,或是半導體晶片製造大廠,都有十年以上與醫療照護體系接觸之經驗,並且已有初步的成果。本文將透過觀察與分析這些IT大廠跨足醫療保健資訊或醫療電子產業的歷程與發展策略,提供各界投入醫療電子產業領域時之參考。


Healthcare industry maintains a stable growth path whether in economic recession or growing due to global upward trends of aging population and accompanying chronic diseases. IT giants introduced in this article, either companies based on software- and service-providing or semiconductor IC manufacturers, all had more than a decade dedicated in medical electronics field or medical informatics. They already had somewhat achievements and placed themselves in a leading position in MedTech development. They had conducted some visionary pilot plans for the next decade development of MedTech roadmap. This article states the developing tracks and strategies which these IT giants employed to outreach to medical electronics industry, which should be referred by Taiwan IT industry.
