  • 期刊


Pilots Cognitive Process for Decision Making during Tactical Training




The simple rules and procedures adopted by pilots for routine flight tasks or the responses that pilots deal with the emergent situations are related to ”ADM, aeronautical decision making.” It has found from aviation accident investigation that decision error involved in the major accidents has a relatively high ratio compared with the other human factors. The related researches indicate that pilot's decision-making has a significant relationship with aviation safety (Jensen & Hunter, 2002; Li & Harris, 2006). However, in Taiwan the specific training curriculum designed for ADM so far is still not developed in the military or civilian aviation, and the researches concerning ADM are not so many. For this reason, this study was proceeded with qualitative approach and adopted Constructive interview method and Grounded theory to build up a decision-making model of fighter pilot for operating basic fighting maneuver, whose main purpose was to classify the factors and relatedness influenced the performance of ADM.


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