  • 期刊


Using QFD to Study Information Security Service Quality at the Shih Chien University Kaohsiung Campus




As information technology has made great progress, the incidents of information security happen frequently. However information is inseparable from life. If information security is devastated, lightly, personal privacy will be harm; seriously, it causes damage to property or enterprise. Because these incidents happen continuously, enormous vulnerability is placed on information security. Everyone pays attention to it. Then many kinds of solutions are proposed. So, how to ensure the information security and integrate effectively is a big issue. To know about the students' demands for the information security service quality. The Shih Chien University Kaohsiung Campus is taken as a case study and questionnaire in the paper. This paper proposes a new vote-ranking method to combine with quality function deployment and to find out the most important relative event to the customers. It transfers information security service quality and technology requirements into methods of information security management. They can be provided for manager of Information Department as improving recommendation of information security service quality and risk management.


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