  • 期刊


Studies of Water-Reducible Amino Alkyd Resin Coating on wood


本研究係將水溶性胺基醇酸樹脂與高亞胺型甲基化三聚氰胺樹脂架橋劑,調配成氣乾型水性塗料,然後應用於基材上藉以觀測塗膜物化性質及耐候性能,結果歸納如下:1.氣乾型水性胺基醇酸樹脂塗料,其塗膜物化性質主要受中和劑之揮發速率、穩定性與醇酸樹脂之不飽和雙鍵、羥價所影響,氨中和者在塗膜硬度,耐水性表現最好,乙二胺中和者耐熱劣化溫度最高;就乾性油而言,亞麻仁油變性者硬度最高,桐油/篦麻油者附著性最好,大豆油者則耐水性及耐熱劣化性均佳。三種胺中和劑與三種乾性油變性醇酸樹脂所調配之塗料,其塗膜可撓性均良好。2.塗膜耐候性能,就光澤保留率而言,使用氨中和劑及大豆油變性之塗料系統者最佳。經240小時人工促進耐候試驗後,塗膜外觀尚保持良好,但由SR-FTIR光譜分析,顯示樹脂之化學組成已發生光降解反應,其胺基樹脂之甲氧基(915 cm^(-1))及烴基(1376 cm^(-1))吸收峰,顯著消失,268小時暴露後,三氮雜環(556 cm^(-1))吸收峰也消失,但羰基(1710 cm^(-1),1721 cm^(-1))明顯增加。


This report evaluates the hardness, adhesion and weatherability of the film. The specimens were coated with air dried water-reducible amino' alkyd resin coatings. The physical and chemical properties of the film depended on the rate of evaporation and stability of the neutralising agent and unsaturated double bond and hydroxyl group of oil modified alkyd resin. The paints which includes a neutralising agent using ammonia, gave the best film hardness and water-resistance, but the paint which used diethylamine system, exhibited a higher thermal degradation than the other 2 kinds of neutralising agents. The evaluation of paint which contained a drying oil, showed that those which contained linseed modified resin, had higher film hardness. In contrast, a blend of the drying oil which used soybean oil modified resin system exhibited both good water-resistance and thermal degradation-resistance. In addition, whatever coating was used, it was found that the film had good flexibility after 15 cycles of cold/heat treatment. To quantify weatherability, the coated wood was placed in a artificially accelerated weatherometer (enclosed carbon-arc type) for 240 hours. The paint system which includes ammonia with soybean oil modified resin maintained a higher gloss retention than other formulations. In addition, the film of the coated wood appeared good even after 240 hours of exposure. The absorption peak of the methoxyl group (915 cm^(-1)) and alkyl group (1376 cm^(-1)) disappeared after 240 hours of exposure. The absorption peak of the triazine ring (1556 cm^(-1)) disappeared after 268 hours, while the absorption peak of the carbonyl group (1710 cm^(-1), 1721 cm^(-1)) increased after 268 hours. This was measured by SP-FTIR.
