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Difference Swimming Ability: The Correlation among Endurance, Speed and Skills


本研究主要目的在探討游泳運動能力中的耐力、速度、技術間之相關,受試對象34名,進行測驗及技術評量後,所得資料經皮爾遜積差相關統計分析後獲得下列結論: 一、游泳耐力與蝶泳、仰泳、捷泳速度之間有正相關。 二、耐力與技浙 1.男子游泳耐力與四種姿勢技術之間有正相關。 2.女子游泳耐力與捷泳技術之間有正相關。 三、速度與技術 1.整體而言男子的蝶泳、仰泳、捷泳速度與技術之間有正相關。 2.整體而言女子蝶泳、仰泳、捷泳速度與捷泳的技術之間有正相關。


This paper aims to explore the correlation among several swimming ability, including endurance, speed and skills. Thirty-four swimmers were examined and their skills were critically assessed. After analyzing the data by applying the statistics of Pearson's Product-moment Correlation, we reached the following conclusion: A. Endurance is surely correlated to speed in butterfly, back storke and crawl. B. Endurance and skills 1. Male swimmers' endurance is positively related to skills in all the four styles. 2. Female swimmers' endurance is positively related to skills in crawl. C. Speed and skills 1. Male swimmers' speed in butterfly, back stroke and crawl is positively related to their skills. 2. Female swimmers' speed in crawl is positively related to their skills in butterfly, back stroke and crawl.
