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Characteristics Analysis of the Regional Legal Institutions and Administration of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples and Chinese Ethnic Minorities


無論是根據歷史或憲政法制而論,當代的中國是一個分裂國家,也是一個多民族(multi-ethnic)的國家。國民黨政府來到台灣之後,面對統稱「山胞」的原住民族(indigenous peoples),大致上延續了日本時期的行政區劃管理架構,直到1980 年代隨著「原住民權利運動」的開展,臺灣原住民族權利意識抬頭,亦對既有的管理體制產生衝擊,使得台灣的原住民族治理,從中央到地方的相關法制與行政逐漸的起了變革,原住民族自治已成了今後必然之路。相對的,由於大陸許多少數民族參與了對日抗戰與共產黨領導的國家革命,不僅在政治上取得發言權,也對日後自治權利入憲到民族自治區制度的建立與行使,產生了一定的行動效果。大陸各少數民族自治區建立至今已逾半世紀,也成了當今世界少數民族自治體法制行政的一個特有模型。本文以基礎研究自許,結合史料與現行資料數據之分析與歸納,讓政治發展的特定過程得以再執行(rerun),因此本文著力於實地調查與蒐集所得資料之分析,歸納整理後建構出「實在」,並據以歸結出臺灣原住民族與大陸少數民族自治法制行政之特色。


According to history or constitutional legal institutions, today's China is a country which is divided as well as a country with multi ethnic groups. When Kuomintang (KMT) government came to Taiwan, it encountered Taiwanese indigenous peoples, generally called "Gaoshan People." KMT government roughly continued the administrative zoning government structure Taiwan had used since Japanese colonization period. In the 1980's, following the development of the "Indigenous Rights Movement," Taiwanese indigenous peoples had rights awareness which brought impact on the existing government system. The government system of Taiwanese indigenous peoples, including the related legal institutions and administration from the central government and the local government, had been transformed gradually. Taiwanese indigenous peoples' autonomy has become inevitable. Because many Chinese ethnic minorities took part in the war against Japan and joined the national revolution led by the Communist Party of China, Chinese ethnic minorities not only gained the speaking rights on politics, but also brought certain movement effect on the establishment and enforcement of the ethnic self-governance by incorporating autonomy rights into the constitution. Having been established for over half a century, the autonomous region of each Chinese ethnic minority has become a particular model of minority autonomous legal institutions and administration in today's world. This paper is a basic research based on historical method which applies historical information and historical consciousness to construct the past. It combines historical information and analysis and induction of the current information data to rerun process of the political development instead of repeating. That is constructive realism, according to actuality to reach constructed reality. Therefore, this paper stresses field survey and analysis of the collected information to induce and to construct "actuality." This paper concludes the characteristics of the peoples' self-government legal institutions and administration of Taiwanese indigenous peoples and Chinese ethnic minorities.


