  • 期刊


The Mission Impossible of Love: Sex-Politics-History in "Lust, Caution"




This paper takes the affective politics of patriotism as a point ofdeparture to explore the emotional interpellation and visualmechanism of love mapped out in "Lust, Caution" by Ang Lee. Itelaborates upon two lines of enquiry: the first one focuses upon thepossible difference between patriotism as "visual representation"and patriotism as "visual mechanism" by asking how the montageand mise-en-scène of the camera, in parallel to the actions of thecharacters in the plot, can also love the country and kill the nationalbetrayer; the second one centers upon the paradoxical relationshipbetween romantic love and love of country by asking whether theymight share the same psychic mechanism of love as imaginaryidentification. Accordingly, the paper is divided into four parts tomap out respectively the intersections of love as acousticinterpellation, love as visual suture, sex as body politics and historyas internal folds. It highlights patriotism as a repetitive and iterative"performative act" and "Lust, Caution" as a film of "patriotism withthe state," endowed with a historically sensitive and affectivelypowerful "singularity" to challenge the "postnational" concepts of"nations without nationalism" and "cosmopolitanism without thenation-state" and to provide a new possibility to theorize beyond thecurrent discoursive impasse of nationalism, transnationalism,diaspora and globalization.


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