  • 期刊


Correlation between Degree of Involvement and Benefits of Leisure in Leisure-Dance Courses for University Students




The purpose of this study is to explore the correlation between degree of involvement and benefits of leisure in leisure-dance courses for university students; this is used to understand the demands of university students for leisure-dance courses. Research subjects were students in universities and colleges in the Taichung area. Purposive sampling was used for collection and analysis of the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was compiled after revisions based on item analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis, and factor analysis. 600 questionnaires were released, 546 valid questionnaires were retrieved, for a valid retrieval rate of 91%. Independent sample T-test and one-way ANOVA were used to explore the organized questionnaire results. Statistical analysis was conducted for gender and grade in demographic variables and degree of involvement as well as benefits of leisure in leisure-dance courses. The results showed that in terms of the gender variable, subjects of different genders did not show significant differences in the degree of involvement factors; it did show significant differences in psychological benefits and relaxation benefits as part of benefits of leisure in leisure-dance courses, but did not show significant differences in physical benefits, social benefits, and educational benefits. In terms of the grade variable, subjects of different grades did show significant differences in the degree of involvement in leisure-dance courses, with the behavioral and cognitive involvement as part of behavioral involvement, as well as attraction and self-expression as part of socio-psychological involvement; there was no significant difference in terms of life centrality. In the benefits of leisure of leisure-dance courses, subjects of different grades showed significant differences in terms of social benefits, relaxation benefits, educational benefits, and aesthetic benefits, while there is no significant difference in terms of physical benefits and psychological benefits.


邱政皓(2003)。量化研究與統計分析;SPSS 中文視窗資料分析範例解析。臺北:五南。


