  • 會議論文

我國未來老人住居安養之可行性探討 以住居形式為例

The research of housing and nursing scheme for Taiwanese senior citizen in future - A case study of housing type


台灣已於1993 年進入高齡化社會,依行政院2014 年所作人口推估,台灣老年人口將於2018 年進入「高齡社會」,2050 年成為「超高齡社會」,我國人口結構快速的改變,所衍生的衝擊與問題,如老人住宅不足、長照人力與經費的短缺等問題都將一一浮現,人口老化不只是政府更是全民都要共同面對的挑戰。台灣之家庭結構趨向核心家庭,加上社會變遷,現代人希望享有更高的自主權利,更自由的晚年生活,三代同堂不再是首選,獨居反成趨勢,住居型態之選擇趨於開放而多元,然而台灣之老人安養住居及相關政策,卻並未跟上老化的快速腳步,提供足夠而周延的照護,但生活是自己的,外在大環境或許短時間無法改變,但藉由自我的觀念改變、態度改變,及早為自己的退休做規劃準備,美好晚年仍是可期待的,本研究將借鑑瑞典、德國、美國、日本等高齡先驅國之老人安養住居現況,讓現在及未來的高齡者對於住居的選擇,除了我國目前的住居形態外,還有更多的可能性存在,讓高齡者面對其安養問題是以雀躍、期待的心情去迎接,屬於他(她)的美好未來。選擇獨立、自主、活躍,人生向晚,依然燦爛。


Taiwan has been becoming an ageing society since 1993. According to the population projection by Executive Yuan in 2014, Taiwan will become aged society in 2018, hyper-aged society in 2050. The fast change on the population structure will bring more impact and problems such as short of housing, nursing resources and budget. Not only our government has to take these challenges, but all the national have to be involved. Taiwanese family is turning to Nuclear family, people tend to be more individual, freer in their late years. Living along is the trend instead of living with grandparents, but the housing, nursing and the related schemes was not developing on time. And therefore, to change the concept, attitude and prepare for the retirement early would build prosperous late years. This research refers to Sweden, Germany, USA and Japan that experienced in taking care of senior citizens, and creating more choices of housing style for them.
