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Effect of Yogurt Administration on Human Intestinal Bacterial Flora and Biochemical Analysis of Blood


為評估優酪乳對改善人體胃腸功能之影響,我們徵求台北醫學大學17位志願者進行實驗。整個實驗進行6週,實驗期間由台北醫學大學附設醫院的營養部提供受試者三餐之飲食。第一週為飲食調整期,第二週起提供受試者每日2瓶230公克/瓶之BL-yogurt,共計供給4週,於第六週進行一星期排空期。受試者每日須收集24小時的糞便,紀錄總重量,並就糞便特性、排便速度和排便的規律性等進行自我之評估。每週取一次糞便檢體送至實驗室,進行水分含量及總好氧菌、總厭氧菌、比菲德氏菌(Bifidobacterium spp.)、乳酸桿菌(Lactobacillus spp.)、大腸桿菌(E. coli)和產氣莢膜梭菌(Clostridium perfringens) 等腸道主要益生菌和有害菌的數量測定,以評估優酪乳對人體腸道細菌相之影響。結果發現每日飲用460公克BL-yogurt持續4週後,對受試者的體重、體脂肪、血液生化值上不會有任何的影響,但是可使益生菌比菲德菌明顯增加,而有害菌的指標大腸桿菌則明顯減少,即使至第六週的排空期大腸桿菌的菌落數仍持續減少,而使比菲德氏菌和大腸桿菌菌落數的比值與飲用前比較,仍呈現顯著的增加。總之,優酪乳確實具有改善人體腸道細菌相的功效。


To determine whether ingestion of yogurt would alter the human intestinal bacterial flora, 17 healthy adult volunteers were studied. Three daily meals were supplied by the hospital dietary department during the 6 weeks of experimental period, including an initial one week without yogurt (control period), 4 weeks with two bottles (230 gm each) of BL-yogurt per day (Wei-Chuan Food Co.) (administration period), and one week without yogurt (follow-up period). The subjects were asked to record their own fecal characteristics, defecation frequency and the total weight of feces every day. The body weights and biochemical findings in the blood of subjects were also examined before and after yogurt administration. For the investigation of the intestinal bacterial flora, stool samples were taken once per week and sent to the laboratory promptly. The total aerobic bacteria, total anaerobic bacteria, Bifidobacterium spp, Lactobacillus spp, E. coli, and Clostridium perfringes of each fresh stool sample were analyzed by dilution and cultured on proper agar plates. The number of bacteria was determined as colony-forming units per gram of stool. Results indicated that there were no side effects or discomfort complaints in any of the cases during the BL-yogurt administration period. Biochemical findings such as hemoglobin, hematocrit, sugar, lipid in blood did not change. However, ingestion of BL-yogurt significantly increased the probiotic Bifidobacterium spp count, while harmful E. coli was suppressed. Even during the last week when yogurt consumption was discontinued, the ratio between Bifidobacterium spp. To E. coli was still elevated. In conclusion, ingestion of yogurt increased the number of stool bifidobacteria and suppressed E. coli.


李楷謙(2009)。基因改造乳酸菌 Lactococcus lactis NZ9000/pNZPNK 安全性評估〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.00628
