  • 期刊


The Research on the Health-Promoting Lifestyle of Elementary School Teachers


本研究旨在瞭解花蓮縣國民小學教師健康促進生活型態之現況,並探討不同背景變項(性別、年齡、收入)與健康促進生活型態之差異情形。研究對象為花蓮縣公立、私立國民小學之合格教師,依據研究對象的特性,採用結構式問卷為研究工具,問卷內容為個人資本資料、健康促進生活型態量表。以SPSS 13.0 for Windows視窗版統計套裝軟體進行資料處理建檔及分析,共計發出問卷400份,取得有效問卷388份。經資料處理與結果分析討論發現:一、健康促進生活型態六層面的得分指標以營養行為得分最高,其餘依次為自我實現、人際支持、壓力處理、運動行為、健康責任。二、社會人口學與健康促進生活型態之相關:(一)不同性別的受訪者在自我實現行為、運動行為、壓力處理行為及健康促進生活總分上達顯著差異。(二)不同年齡的受訪者在營養行為、健康責任、自我實現行為、人際支持、壓力處理行為及健康促進生活型態總分上達顯著差異。(三)不同薪資的受訪者在營養行為、健康責任、自我實現行為、人際支持、壓力處理行為及健康促進生活型態總分上達顯著差異。


This study was designed to understand the current situation of the health-promoting lifestyle of elementary school teachers, and to explore the diversity under different background variables (such as gender, age, income and so on) in the health-promoting lifestyle. The research targets focus on the certified teachers of both public and private elementary schools in Hualien County. According to their characteristics, a structured questionnaire was adopted as the research tools with the contents of personal data, health status awareness, and the health-promoting lifestyle scale as well. SPSS 13.0 for Windows version of statistical software package was utilized for data processing and analysis. Out of total 400 questionnaires, 388 valid questionnaires were collected. The result of the analysis found: The correlation between the socio-demographic and health-promoting lifestyle are: (1) different gender of respondents shows significant difference on the total scores in the aspects of self-realization, exercise behavior, stress management and health-promoting life as well. (2) respondents with different age exhibit significant difference on the total scores in the aspects of nutrition behavior, health responsibility, self-realization, interpersonal support, stress management behavior and health-promoting lifestyle as well. (3) respondents with different salary exhibit significant difference on the total scores in the aspects of nutrition behavior, health responsibility, self-realization, interpersonal support, stress management behavior and health-promoting lifestyle as well.
