  • 期刊

Walking and Energy Expenditure among Adults with Intellectual Disabilities



殘疾人士痴肥情況比一般普通成人嚴重,而且平均壽命較短,對健康的需求比較高。可是研究對於在職智障成年人的活動模式調查比較少,對於可行而且有效的運動計畫亦缺乏資料。爲了提高在職智障成年人士的生心健康,一項了解智障成年人士的運動量以及他們對運動的態度的研究是需要的。是次調查對象為成年智能障礙人士,級別為輕、中度智障(本研究不包括重、極重度智能障礙者),參與者人士是來自於聖雅各福群會庇護工場,共有8位女士自願參與者而他們都是18歲以上成人,參與者平均年齡為41.37歲(SD = 8.67)。我們派發一個數步器和活動量測定器(型狀跟傳呼機相似)給參與者,數步器和活動量測定器需佩戴在右邊腰身上連續7日,在第八天早上研究人員為參與者除去數步器和活動量測定器,並記錄總活動和步行數量。同時我們亦派發一份有關活動量及對活動態度的問卷,內容包括:對運動預期結果,面對運動阻礙,對運動表現自我效能。調查所得出之結果顯示參與者平均每日步數小於維持身體健康之10,000步。跟據活動量測定器數據顯示,參與者在平日和假日輕量活動的活動量與時間是有關的。而在工作時間與非工作時間,大都是輕量活動的。數據亦顯示活動量與步行數量及步行數量和運動的態度是有關。結論是成年智障人士需要在工作地方有一個有效的運動課程從而提高他們生理和心理的健康發展、成長。


痴肥 數步器 活動量測定器


There is paucity of information about the life pattern of working adults with intellectual disabilities. Given the increasing awareness of worldwide public health problems, obesity and sedentary lifestyle among the special population were examined. A total of 8 female adults over the age of 18 with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities (ID) were recruited from the St. James settlements. A walk count with a pedometer, and energy expenditure with actical, along with the details of activities in their life pattern on 7 consecutive days were recorded to assess their physical activity. Before data collection, BMI and waist circumstance, questionnaires regarding adult's outcome expectation, perceived barriers to exercise and performance self efficacy on physical activity were examined. The results indicated that there is a no significant difference (p < .05) between physical activities within different days, place of abode, and education level. The pedometer readings showed that all subjects living in different districts were not having enough steps (which should be over 10,000). The actical reading showed that the energy expenditure and time spent on sedentary activity between weekdays and weekends were strongly related, that is, energy expenditure is considered sedentary in both working days and non-working days and most time is spent on sedentary activity. Result showed that there is a significant relationship between the energy expenditure and walk count in working day and so is it between step count and the psychological aspect.


obesity pedometer energy expenditure with actical
