  • 期刊


The Effects of Learner-Centered and Variable Practice in Physical Activity


學生在學習階段期間,是奠定學生身體活動素養基礎的重要時期,適切的身體活動以及考量的教學與學習方法以促進成長發展與運動效益,是教學引導者探討的面向,而透過現行研究與理論基礎來轉譯學習的效能,以符應新課綱素養導向核心教學理念,更是從事動作教育的體育教師及教學引導者更值得深入的議題。相關研究指出,基礎動作能力得到適當的發展,特別是在兒童早期,不僅能幫助身體執行動作技能的實際能力,亦能增進從事身體活動的心理和行為技能,身體活動上的效益,對學習者的成長及發展至關重要,在體育教學裡,藉由以學習者為中心的任務取向(task-based approach)來進行操作,同時強調以學習者為中心,由學生主動參與學習,教師居於次要地位,讓學生有充分的自主權,建立情境化的合作環境,透過實作將知識與技能化為素養能力,並考量變異練習(variability of practice)所帶來的認知與動作發展的效益,避免重複練習同樣技能而是採用較隨機且不同的模式,提升學生生活上的能力,亦即生活技能(life skill),適應未來挑戰與變化的素養力。


This paper aims to highlight the incorporation of appropriate physical activity and consideration of teaching with learner-center and learning methods to promote motor development and learning. It is the teaching strategy's orientation and learning effectiveness through current research and theoretical basis. Studies indicate that the primary motor skill is adequately developed, especially in early childhood; not only can the physical ability to perform motor skills be helped, but it also enhances mental and behavioral skills for physical activity. In physical education, a learner-centered task-based approach creates a contextualized collaborative environment in which knowledge and skills are transformed into literacy skills through hands-on practice. Meanwhile, it emphasizes the learner-centered concept, students are actively involved in the learning, and teachers are in a secondary position so that the students have complete autonomy. We also consider the cognitive and motor development benefits of the variability of practice, avoid repeating the same skills, use more random and different patterns, and enhance students' life skills to adapt to future challenges and changes.


Caspersen, C. J., Powell, K. E., & Christenson, G. M. (1985). Physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness: definitions and distinctions for health-related research. Public health reports, 100(2), 126.
