  • 期刊


Exploring The Relationship Between Fishing Community Development And Marine Sustainability - The Influence of Marine Environmental Awareness


本研究旨在探討臺灣漁村社區發展與海洋永續的關聯,並進一步分析海洋環境意識,是否在漁村發展與海洋永續間扮演關鍵的中介效果。實證發現海洋環境意識具有部分中介效果,其總效果值為79.2 %、間接效果值為35.1%,顯示海洋環境意識對海洋永續具正向影響效果。由於漁村社區發展對海洋永續存在顯著影響關係,且海洋環境意識具有部分中介效果,因此如何強化漁民海洋環境意識,紮根友善海洋環境行為,對增進漁村社區與海洋永續發展有助益。最後,政府部門與漁村社區也應關注如何兼容現有政策促進漁村社區的和諧發展,以及構建具韌性與永續性的海岸社區,讓漁村在社會、經濟與生態的發展上取得平衡。


This study explored the relationship between fishing community development in Taiwan and marine sustainability and further analyzed whether marine environmental awareness plays a key mediating effect between the development of fishing communities and marine sustainability. According to the empirical survey, findings showed that marine environmental awareness has a partial mediating effect with a total effect value of 79.2% and an indirect effect value of 35.1%, indicating that marine environmental awareness has a positive impact on marine sustainability. While the development of fishing communities has a significant impact on a sustainable ocean, marine environmental awareness also exhibits a partial mediating effect. Therefore, the methods for promoting the sustainable development of fishing communities and the ocean are related to strengthening the marine environment awareness of fishermen and taking root in friendly marine environment behaviors. Finally, government departments and fishing communities should also focus on how to be compatible with the existing policies, promote the harmonious development of fishing communities, and build resilient and sustainable coastal communities. By doing so, fishing communities may achieve a balance among social, economic, and ecological development.
