  • 期刊


Liberal Education in a University of Science and Technology-an Empirical Approach


實用科技與人文通識兼顧的做法,正是本文重點之所在。 通識教育的重要性,就是技職體系的技術學院和科技大學也已覺悟到,這是一個值得各校努力推動的方向。尤其是讓學生達成「圓融的健全人格和積極進取的人生觀」是不分綜合大學和技職體系的。 為了扭轉技職院校給人們一直是刻板的,以訓練實用技藝為主的教育理念之不足,今後宜修正並發展「通識教育與實用教育兼顧」的教育理念。通識教育應著重課程和師資的設計與延聘,但教育行政系統對通識教育改革的良窳實有深遠的影響,自當全面革新配合,以收最佳效果。 國立雲林科技大學為落實人文與科技並重,積極推動全校通識教育,上從制度面全面檢視通識課程的設計和規劃,下從舉辦多次師生座談會廣納意見,作為通識課程規劃的基礎,期待培養出關懷人文的科技人,盼望培育出具備通識宏觀眼光的科技人,使科技與人文的結合,深植於圓融人格,積極進取的通識教育理念中。


通識教育 通識課程 科技大學 科技 人文


This is a report on how to find a balance between technology, wnich emphasizes moer applied learning, and liberal arts, which mainly concerns culture and humanity, in a university of science and technology. In recent years, the system of higher technological education, either institutes of technology or universities of science and technology, have become aware of the importance of liberal education, which recehtly has technology, have become an important issue in eacn school's agenda. It is equally true, whether in the system of higher technological education or in well-rounded universities that students are expected to ave agreeable, well-rounded personalities and embody a positive attitude towards life. To dissipate the stereotyped impression that the vocational and technological education system is technology-oriented and most of the schools concentrate mainly on practical and applied learning, we need to turn in a different direction and emphasize a balanced development of liberal education and professional training. The attainment of such a goal definitely needs the support of a good curriculum, a competent faculty, and a capable administration. National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (NYUST) is one of the schools that have seen the need for reform, to strive for a balance in development, we have already geared our curriculum to renew the emphasis of liberal education. Many meetings have been called to bring forth the ideas and opinions of faculty members and students. They are important resources for our improvement. We hope that all our students become more concerned about humanity and cultural development and they all become more open-minded and man and women of vision. In summary, our strongest commitment is to provide our science and technology students with a broad liberal education and a positive attitude towards life.


