  • 期刊


Community Reconstruction of a Tribe of Aborigine Inhabitants a Case Study for Jianhe Community




Concerns shown to tribes of aborigine inhabitants have been high lightened increasingly within the multi-cultural view-windows in recent years. It is especially when the government legislates the ”Educational Policies for Aborigine Inhabitants” and when the Council for Cultural Affairs initiates policies for ”Community Renaissance” that numerous tribes of aborigine inhabitants start joining these movements. The purpose of this study aims to understand how these policies are implemented among these tribes. Therefore, the researcher conducts a case study lasted for a year, through documentations, interviewing, and observations in Jianhe community of the Puyuma in Taitung city, to capture their ideas about community reconstruction, their models of reconstruction their managing strategies for reconstruction, as well as their futures and difficulties. An important finding is that the Puyuma in this area reconstruct their community by the mean of art creativity and make the community appear to be a ”wood-engraving village” Meanwhile, with the concept of ”culture industrialization,” they are going to build a ”Tribal Mall” in the future for everlasting economy Three suggestions to this tribe proposed by the researcher are as the followings 1) They may stress on the development of ”tribal learning organizations,” 2) they may establish a ”local museum,” and 3) they may operate functions of ”leisure-cultural travel”.


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