  • 學位論文

國中輔導教師知覺生涯輔導專業 職能重要性與符合度之探究

Related Research on Individual Importance and Compliance of Perceived Career Counseling Professional Competency in Junior High School Counseling Teacher

指導教授 : 郭國禎


本研究旨在探討國中輔導教師知覺生涯輔導專業職能之重要性與符合度之現況與落差,及其在不同背景變項之差異情形,本研究採問卷調查法,自編「生涯輔導教師生涯輔導專業職能量表」為研究工具,研究對象為全國國中輔導教師,經預試選題後發出正式問卷,最後回收250份有效問卷,並以描述性統計、相依樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析等方式進行統計分析,並得出研究結果如下: 1.國中輔導教師生涯輔導專業職能重要性得分最高之構面為「一般輔導與諮商能力」,得分最低之構面為「生涯諮詢能力」。 2.國中輔導教師生涯輔導專業職能符合度得分最高之構面為「一般輔導與諮商能力」,得分最低之構面為「資源運用與整合能力」。 3.國中輔導教師知覺生涯輔導專業職能重要性與符合度之落差程度最高為「職涯資訊分析與應用能力」,最低為「生涯測驗與評量能力」。 4.國中輔導教師知覺生涯輔導專業職能之重要性因學歷、服務學校所在地的不同,而有差異存在。學士輔導教師在「資源運用與整合能力」上顯著低於碩博士輔導教師;南部學校教師在「一般生涯輔導與諮商能力」的得分顯著高於中部學校教師。 5.國中輔導教師知覺生涯輔導專業職能之符合度因職務、專業背景的不同,而有差異存在。兼任輔導教師在「資源運用與整合能力」及「生涯抉擇與規劃能力」得分顯著低於專任輔導教師;本系所、相關系所專業背景教師在「生涯測驗與評量能力」上高於非相關系所的教師。 最後本研究對中學輔導教師、師資培育機構、教師在職進修單位及未來研究方向提供數點研究建議,以供參考。


The study focuses on the discussion of now the situation and the gap of individual importance and compliance of perceived career counseling professional competency, and we also discuss the difference and the gap situation in the different individual backgrounds variables in junior high school counseling teacher. The study use questionnaire survey and we edit “The scale of career counseling professional competency for the career counseling teacher” as research tools. The subjects of study are national junior high school counseling teachers. We release official questionnaires after choosing pre-test questionnaires and finally receive 250 valid questionnaires. Moreover, we use descriptive statistics, dependent sample T verification, independent sample T verification and one-way anova analysis to execute statistical analysis. So we obtain the research results as follow: 1.The score of the item “The general guidance and counseling of career” is the highest and the item “The advisory capacity of career” is the lowest on individual importance of perceived career counseling professional competency in junior high school counseling teacher. 2.The score of the item “The general guidance and counseling of career” is the highest and the item “The use and the ability to integrate of resources” is the lowest on individual compliance of perceived career counseling professional competency in junior high school counseling teacher. 3.Because of educational background and school location, there are differences on importance of perceived career counseling professional competency in junior high school counseling teacher. The bachelor degree counseling teachers’ score is much lower than the dr. and master degree counseling teachers at the item “The use and the ability to integrate of resources”. The south area teachers’ score is much higher than the central area teachers at the item “The general guidance and counseling of career”. 4.Because of the different job and professional background, there are differences on individual compliance of perceived career counseling professional competency in junior high school counseling teacher. The part time counseling teachers’ score is much lower than the full-time counseling teachers at the items “The use and the ability to integrate of resources” and “The choice and planning capacity of career”. The department and related department teachers’ score is higher than the unrelated department teachers at the item “The capability of career tests and assessment”. 5.The gap of the item “The information analysis and application capabilities of career” is the highest, and the item “The capability of career tests and assessment” is the lowest on individual importance and compliance of perceived career counseling professional competency in junior high school counseling teacher. In the end the study provides research suggests for references to junior high school counselors, teacher education institutions, service teacher training units and future research directions.


國教署(2013)。活化教學 適性輔導~成就每一個孩子。取自
