  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationships between Teachers’ Teaching Beliefs and Teaching Efficacy:A Meta-Analysis

指導教授 : 黃寶園


本研究之目的,在探討教師教學信念,與教學效能的內涵,及其關係程度。以Hedges與Olkin(1985)技術、Rosenthal(1991)技術等統合分析法,進行資料分析。經過研究者蒐集到260篇,國內已完成的個別研究報告中,進行資料篩選、編碼、登錄,實際分析的教師教學信念有41篇、教師教學效能有141篇、及教師教學信念,與教學效能之關係有30篇,再以電腦程式Comprehensive Meta Analysis〔2.0)執行分析,根據研究的結果,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、教師教學信念之內涵,分別為:師生關係、教學與課程、教師角色、學生差異、教學評量、班級經營。在d值效果量的程度,以choen的檢定標準,整體效果量屬高強度,依程度高低,依序為:師生關係、教學與課程、教師角色、學生差異、教學評量、班級經營。因此,這六種教師教學信念內涵,在教師教學歷程中,是影響教師教學信念的重要因素之一。 二、教師教學效能之內涵,分別為:師生互動效能、教學策略效能、班級經營效能、教學計畫效能、自我教學效能、教學評量效能。在d值效果量的程度,以Choen的檢定標準,整體效果量屬高強度,依程度高低,依序為:師生互動效能、教學策略效能、班級經營效能、教學計畫效能、自我教學效能、教學評量效能。因此,這六種教師教學效能內涵,在教師教學歷程中,是影響教師教學效能的重要因素之一。 三、教師教學信念,和教學效能之相關,在49個變項研究中,整體r值效果量強度屬高程度,共有19個變項相關;整體r值效果量強度屬中程度,則有29個變項相關;整體r值效果量強度屬低程度,則有1個變項相關。只有2個變項,無法呈現真確的效果量。 教師整體教學信念,與教學效能的六種內涵,其r值效果量,皆屬高程度以上;而班級經營信念、教師角色信念、師生關係信念,與教師整體教學效能,其r值效果量為最高;教師教學評量效能,與教師教學信念的六種內涵,除了教師教學評量信念以外,其餘r值效果量皆屬低程度;班級經營信念,和教學策略效能之相關,與班級經營信念,和教學評量效能之相關,無法呈現,真確的相關程度。 最後,依據研究結果,提出教師教學信念,與教學效能之關係程度,以提供教師,與教育行政機關之參考。 關鍵詞:教師、教學信念、教學效能


教學效能 教學信念 教師


The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships between teachers’ teaching beliefs and teaching efficacy. Hedges&Olkin(1985), Rosenthal (1991) meta-analysis are applied to analyze the variables affecting the results. 260 studies are analyzed in this research: including 41 papers or studies about teachers’ teaching beliefs, 141 papers about teaching efficacy and 30 others about the relationship between teachers’ teaching beliefs and teaching efficacy. From the above researches, the study tried data selection, coding, login, and a computer program, Comprehensive Meta Analysis [2.0] to explore the relationships between teachers’ teaching beliefs and teaching efficacy. The main findings are as followings: 一、 Teachers’ teaching beliefs: can be divided into the relations between teachers and students, the teaching and courses, teachers’ roles, the difference of students, the evaluation of teaching and classroom management. The effect size is decided by Choen’s d from maximum to minimum as the relations between teachers, the teaching and courses, teachers’ roles, the difference of students, the evaluation of teaching and classroom management. The above-mentioned beliefs play a major role in a teaching. 二、 Teachers’ teaching beliefs and teaching efficacy: can be divided in to the efficacy of the interaction between teachers and students, the efficacy of teaching strategies, the efficacy of classroom management, the efficacy of teaching plans, the efficacy of self-teaching and the efficacy of teaching evaluation. The effect size is decided by Choen’s d from maximum to minimum as the efficacy of the interaction between teachers and students, the efficacy of teaching strategies, the efficacy of classroom management, the efficacy of teaching plans, the efficacy of self-teaching and the efficacy of teaching evaluation. The above-mentioned efficacies are keys to a successful teaching. 三、 The relationship between teachers’ teaching beliefs and teaching efficacy: among 49 variables, the maximum-level r effect takes 41 variables, the medium-level r effect takes 29 and the low-level r effect takes only 1 and the rest 2 variables cannot be calculated. The r-value in the six efficacies of teachers’ teaching beliefs and teaching efficacy is over medium-level; in the classroom management, teachers’ roles, the relations between teachers and students and the teaching and courses, the r-value is the maximum-level. In the six efficacies of the evaluation of teaching and teachers’ teaching beliefs, the r-value is low-level. However, no obvious relations exist between the classroom management belief and teaching strategy efficacy and between the classroom management beliefs and teaching evaluation efficacy. Last, education authority can use it to carry out Teaching Proficiency Evaluation. Keywords: Teacher ,Teaching Beliefs, Teaching Efficacy


Teaching Efficacy Teaching Beliefs Teacher




