  • 學位論文


Impacts On Hong Kong’s Tourism Industry Under The Implementation of China's “Individual Visit Scheme”

指導教授 : 游明鳳


2003年中國政府與香港簽訂「內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係安排」(CEPA)政策,並引入「個人遊」計劃,允許內地居民以個人身份來港旅遊。計劃單是在2004年已為香港帶來62億港元的旅遊消費收益,不但帶動香港經濟自SARS一役迅速復甦,更為香港旅遊及零售業帶來極為可觀的收入。 社會一致認同「個人遊」對香港的經濟裨益,卻鮮有對於社會文化、政治及管理等方面的衝擊加以探討。本研究以質性研究探討「個人遊」政策實施後香港旅遊業之角色與定位;了解「個人遊」政策實施後對香港之衝擊;繼而探討香港旅遊業在管理與服務上的品質問題;最後討論香港旅遊業未來的發展方向與空間。 研究發現,香港旅遊業發展條件優越;在「個人遊」政策的影響下旅遊市場面臨轉折;而「個人遊」旅客之社經地位較高,在經濟上成為了零售與旅遊業之金礦,在政治方面的衝擊仍有待觀察;在社會文化衝擊方面,受訪者認為「個人遊」旅客之行為怪異,而香港市民與他們正處於差異融合期;部分受訪者認為「個人遊」旅客讓香港國際形象褪色,然為追求經濟上的獲益在價值觀上有所改變。在服務與管理問題方面,受訪者認為「個人遊」旅客尤重視語言與笑容,而香港旅遊業在管理與投訴上的問題則未算嚴重。在未來發展與政府角色方面,研究結果認為香港的實力與發展空間一直存在,宜增加旅遊業人員的專業培訓、新景點與新賣點,以及博取高消費能力的商務旅客。 總結研究結果,香港必須善用自身優勢,背靠祖國面向世界,從中找出自己的定位。在此,建議有關方面應正視配套措施與管理問題、把握個人遊帶來之龐大商機,並期望能將研究結果借鏡台灣日後開放大陸觀光客來台旅遊時以供參考。


Since the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) policy was carried out on 2003 referring to CEPA, the total expenditure from tourists in Hong Kong was more than 6.2 billion dollars. Not only drive forward the economic in Hong Kong during the SARS, it also has a great income in all related retail business. Most of us thought that IVS was extremely benefit on Hong Kong’s economic, nevertheless impacts on social culture, politics and service management are seldom been discussed. This study is about to discuss the role and the situation of Hong Kong’s tourist industry, understanding the impacts on the economic, the community, the politics in Hong Kong due to Individual Visit Scheme. Furthermore, evaluate the potentials and the problems of the travel scheme. Finally, it is to synthesis the development aspects of Hong Kong's tourist industry in the future. The findings prove that IVS has a positive attitude towards the economic of Hong Kong, but there may have some negative impacts on some related area, for example, impacts on social culture. Some thought that the poor behavior of IVS tourists may bring negative images to the world, improvements are required. In terms of service management, attitude and using of proper language are the most important to the IVS tourists. In the future, the development of Hong Kong's tourist industry shall focus on providing more professional training to tourist employee and hence to prove a better service to tourists, developing more scenic spots to attract more travelers. In conclusion, Hong Kong shall base on its advantages and hence to develop its characteristic in between the world and China. The finding results anticipate being a reference for the Individual Visit Scheme to Taiwan in the future.


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