  • 學位論文


Working Behavior of Taiwanese Tour Leaders Serving in the People’s Republic of China

指導教授 : 黃榮鵬


我國人民出國旅遊已經進入成熟階段,且每年經甄訓合格並領有執業證之領隊皆呈現穩定成長趨勢,近年來陸續有台灣領隊赴大陸旅行社執業。本研究目的在探討台灣領隊赴大陸原因以及執業之行為,深入瞭解此批領隊面對低收入、高風險、長時數的工作,所可能產生之投機行為,是否影響其服務品質。 本研究對象以持有台灣專業外語領隊證且赴大陸執業之現任領隊共13位進行深度訪談,探討其執業中之「工作壓力」、「工作風險」、「投機行為」與「服務品質」四方面的相關性,整合出四個構面共85項指標因素,再輔以德爾菲(Delphi Method)技術分析方法,進行兩回合問卷,共13份。經由平均數、標準差、四分位差、Kendall’s W檢定等之四項標準作為收斂之準則,刪除第一回合不符標準之指標因素,進行第二回合問卷分析,最後結果整合四個構面共70項指標因素。包括:「工作壓力」構面共23項,其中認為以「淡旺季收入不穩定」項為最重要指標因素;「工作風險」構面共16項,以「我擔心遭遇治安不良事件,自身遇到行搶的風險」項為最重要指標因素;「投機行為」構面共7項,以「可能有壓縮既有行程的時間,販賣自費行程的行為」項為最重要指標因素;以「服務品質」構面共24項,以「突發事件危機處理能力」項為最重要指標因素。 總之,赴大陸執業之領隊認為面對淡旺季收入不穩定,進而壓縮團員既有行程的時間,販賣自費行程的行為並創造賺取更多收入之投機行為,惟依然秉著專業態度服務團員為原則。綜觀各界對外語領隊之執業行為重視程度不足,因此冀望未來外語領隊從業人員、旅行業界、觀光學界、政府單位、觀光產業各界及後續相關研究能藉此參考,並能提供外語領隊更有保障的工作環境,以提升外語領隊人才根留台灣發展,對於觀光服務品質、國人出國旅遊更上一層樓。


The development of outbound tourism enters the mature phase; meanwhile, the amount of qualified tour leaders increases steadily every year and many of them serve in travel agencies in China. This study aims to examine the reasons why Taiwanese tour leaders would rather work in China than in Taiwan and investigate their working behaviors. Moreover, we examined if tour leaders behave opportunistically when working long hours at low-paying job and being put at high risk. The samples of this study are 13 qualified foreign language tour leaders working in China. Data were collected by conducting in-depth interviews to study the relationships among job stress, job risk, opportunistic behavior, and service quality. Four aspects and 85 indicators in total, along with Delphi Method technical analysis method conducting two rounds of questionnaires with 100% recovery rate. With the average, standard deviation, quartile deviation, Kendall’s W verification as four convergence criteria, we removed indicators which did not match the standard on the first round and conducted the second analysis. Finally, we have integrated four aspects and 70 indicators in total, including: Job Stress, which has 23 items in total, with the most important indicator of “Instable income in low-season and high-season” item; Job Risk, which has 16 items, with the most important indicator of “I am worried that I might be in bad situations such as being robbed” item; opportunistic behavior, which has 7 items, with the most important indicator of “I might reduce the scheduled itineraries to sell some optional tour” item; Service Quality, which has 24 items, with the most important indicator and factor of “The ability to solve emergency problems” item. To sum up, the tour leaders working in China think that income stability which leads to the opportunistic behavior of reducing the scheduled itineraries to sell some optional tour in order to make more money, but still obey the principle of serving customers with professional attitude. There are not many organizations focusing on the working behavior of tour leaders; therefore, we hope tour leaders, travel industry, institutions, government units, all sectors of tourism industry and subsequent researches can take this research as reference, and provide tour leaders a better working environment so as to keep them in Taiwan, enhance the service quality, and increase outbound tourism.


