  • 學位論文


Study of Taiwan cultural perception of the tonic foods benefits of eating black-colored food, such as Silky Chickens

指導教授 : 潘江東


隨著消費趨勢的改變及經濟的提升,消費趨勢已結合科技轉向優質保健型的食品,在追求保健流行的風潮下,臺灣的食補文化沿襲先民的古傳藥膳食療秘方,傳統「醫食同源」、「五行調和」、「五色飲食」的觀念迄今仍根深於國人心中,而「見黑即補」的理念更是影響國人選擇食材的因素之一。   中國的五行學說是針對自然界與人體所需做出的研究,人們應學習充分地運用大自然的食材,這是維持健康體魄的首要課題。臺灣受限於地理環境的因素,須朝向精緻農業發展,進而運用生化科技,研發附加值高的商品,而烏骨雞的食補文化,即是目前值得探討的例子,本研究透過文獻分析、焦點訪談與參與觀察等方法進行探討此議題。   人口高齡化的趨勢,使消費者亦愈來愈重視「食物來源」與「黑心食品」的相關議題,飲食不再只是追求量多,而需要達到身心「均衡和諧」的狀態,本研究藉由烏骨雞產品的創新過程,找出臺灣食補產業未來的趨勢及永續經營方式,使此研究兼具文化與經濟的雙重價值,也期盼本研究能為國民的健康做出具體貢獻。


With the transformation of consumer trends and the promotion of economy, the consumer trends have combined with science and technology and turned to high quality health care provisions. Under the wave of pursuing health care, the nutrition therapy culture of Taiwan had inherited our forefathers’ ancient medicinal foods secret therapy. The traditional concepts of “medical food source”, “the five elements harmony”, and “the five color diet” have been ingrained in the minds of compatriots to this day. The concepts of the“black tonic foods”is also an important factor to influence people on choosing foods. The theory of the five elements in China is to do research on the needs of the nature and the human body. The industry must develop toward delicate agriculture, and further apply biotechnology to do research and development for value added commodity due to the restriction of geographical environment in Taiwan. The silky chicken nutrition therapy culture is a great example by far. The study is explored through Literature Analysis Method, Focus Group Interview, and Participant Observation Method. As the trend of the older ages, the customers pay much attention to the“source of the foods”and the“serious risky food”. The purpose of this study is to find out the future trends and the way of sustainable management of nutrition therapy industry in Taiwan from the innovation of silky products. Ultimately, make the study possess the dual value of culture and economy.


  36(6), 2003年。
