  • 學位論文


The Research on Key Factors of Consumer Behaviors in MOD – A Case of Chunghwa Telecom’s Customer in Taichung City

指導教授 : 謝俊宏


近年來全球資訊科技的進步,平台內容除了多元化也漸漸朝向數位化,目前擁有數位頻道的除了數位無線台外,就是MOD平台了。MOD在價格的優勢、數位化的科技、新穎的功能吸引了顧客租用MOD的好奇心理。但異於現有第四台業者的節目內容、豐富功能的操作模式及新平台適應上的認知等原因又使的顧客對MOD產品持著保留態度或是拒絕行為,讓MOD用戶數無法有效之提升。因此深入了解MOD消費者生活型態與頻道喜好來做出產品市場區隔,才能重點行銷。 本文採用問卷調查之方式,針對中部縣市地區租用MOD用戶為對象,總共發放650份,回收607份,扣除無效問卷31份,有效問卷576份,回收率為88.6%。將有效回收樣本資料進行卡方檢定、因素分析,取出因素特徵量再進行分群,最後以CHAID卡方自動互動檢視法進行目標客戶分類,經實證分析結果分為「功能喜好區隔」及「頻道喜好區隔」2大類。 第一部分,共2群屬性,新科技與服務功能喜好屬性所組成之「功能喜好區隔」可分三類,分別是(1)社交及自我導向型加上小孩已獨立之大學(專)、高中以下教育程度者,(2) 具計畫導向且收入大於80,000元以上,(3)成本導向的顧客租用基本型或好康型套餐且租用時間未滿1年及滿3年以上」;知識與資訊功能喜好屬性所組成之「功能喜好區隔」可分二類,(1)具計畫導向的軍、警、公、教及服務業且收入介於30,001元~50,000元區間,(2)具成本導向年齡在35歲(含)以下,46歲(含)以上且租用MOD時間為滿1年至未滿3年之族群。 第二部分,共3群屬性,影劇族群屬性所組成之「頻道喜好區隔」可分二類,分別是(1)社交及計畫導向型46歲以上之所得80,001元以上的租用者,(2)自我導向女性族群且租用MOD時間未滿1年;知識族群屬性所組成之「頻道喜好區隔」也分二類,(1)具自我導向且年齡在25歲至45歲之間MOD租用時間為滿1年至未滿2年之族群,(2)成本導向且年齡在35歲(含)以下的超值型套餐租用者;基本頻道群屬性所組成之「頻道喜好區隔」僅一類,為具成本導向的35歲(含)以上族群。 以上提出MOD產品行銷上之建議,希冀MOD產品業者的經營績效上有所幫助。


Communication platform of media in the modern business world has been playing an important source of knowledge for people in modern life. MOD platform has a platform for digital channels. The low price of MOD products and convenience of purchase have attracted many customers. But the contents different the cable TV, so much control functions and innovation platform of Mod products make them with reservation while they are purchasing the products. Therefore, to understanding of MOD channel preferences and lifestyle of consumers to make market segmentation to focus on marketing. In this study, a questionnaire survey to explore the central country area of consumer behaviors in MOD users, issued a total of 650 questionnaires were returned 607 copies, excluding 31 invalid questionnaires, 576 valid questionnaires were returned by 88.6% .We take Mod product consumers as the research object, analysis of the data by factor analysis and Chi-square, to find the factor eigenvalue, finally use the CHAID method to analyze the effective samples. The result shows two type,”Funtion fans type” and “Channel fans type”. The method of using CHAID which “Funtion type” can be divided into 2 types.The first one is New technology group that includes 3 kinds of target customer markets, and second one is Knowledge and Information group that includes 2 kinds of target customer markets. The method of using CHAID which “Channel type” can be divided into 3 types.The first one is Drama group that includes 2 kinds of target customer markets, and second one is Knowledge group that includes 2 kinds of target customer markets, and third one is Basic Channel group that includes one target customer markets. The paper of empirical conclusions would to give some suggestions to promote MOD product on marketing.


MOD CHAID Life Style Segmentation


