  • 學位論文


An Exploration into the Building Facade of Row-Housing Research on External Adding Elements of the Row House Facade-Unauthorized Structures and Grilles

指導教授 : 方鳳玉


台灣都市的景觀充滿著鐵皮違章及鐵窗,尤其人所居住的住宅最為嚴重,頂樓加蓋和鐵窗即使再怎麼約束都能像菌絲一樣又能快速的生長出來。因此本研究目的在探討台中市連棟式透天厝的立面構成分析,以南屯區萬安街與萬美街之T字交叉路口,共76戶連棟式透天厝之社區。從中探討人在住宅建築體上,所增添的物品(如頂樓加蓋、鐵窗、雨遮等)之使用狀態和他們需要加裝的心理因素。          從文獻和訪談中得知居民會加裝鐵窗之原因,主要是防止意外及物品掉落,其次為增加室內使用空間,最後才是防盜。而需要頂樓加蓋的原因,主要是增加樓層使用面積,其次為防屋頂漏水,最後才是頂樓遮陽。研究結果得知有百分之三十七的住戶,在自家裝設了鐵窗、頂樓加蓋和鐵捲門;另外,有百分之三十三的住戶裝設了鐵窗和頂樓加蓋;有超過一半以上的居民在自家住宅上同時加裝了鐵窗和頂樓違章。從此數據可看出人在內心所想的的利益、隱私和安全在建築外觀立面清楚地看見其重要性。 本研究藉由鐵窗的啟發和其他違章的特質,探討建築立面單元組構與組合可能性的規劃與改善,提出具體的規劃建議方案做為未來類似個案的改善參考。藉由設計圖面的繪製與3D模擬街景樣貌,組合出多種設計類型之建築立面樣貌,以不同干預程度來模擬社區街景的轉變。


建築立面 鐵窗 違章 增添物 連棟式住宅


The urban landscape of Taiwan is full of unauthorized constructions (which are made by corrugated steel sheet) and iron grille, and it is especially the case in the residential area. Despite the measures taken by the government, building violation examples such as expansion of the roof top and installation of iron grille onto the windows can still be seen all over the city and hard to be restrained from. As a consequence, the research is aiming at studying the cause of usage and people’s psychological factor for building these external added elements on the facade of the row housing. The research sample chosen is the neighborhood situated at the corner of Wan-an and Wan-mei street in Nan-tun District, Taichung City. According to past literature and the interview conducted with the residence, the main reasons behind the iron grille is to prevent accident and to avoid dropping objects, followed by increasing the space of indoor and safety. As for the cause of expanding the roof top, it is primarily about maximizing the net area between floors, then preventing leakage from the roof, and serving as the sunshade. Preliminary result shows that 37% of the residence have iron grille, steel rolling-up shutter, and expanded roof-top; 33% of the residence have iron grille and expanded roof-top. Over half of the residence not only install iron grill outside of the windows/balcony but also building unapproved constructions on the roof-top. From the figures above, it shows that the three most important psychological factors that influencing one’s building facades are: self-benefit, privacy, and safety. By looking into the elements and features of building facade, the goal of this research is to come up with a solid proposal for future planning and amendments of similar cases. Designs and 3D street scenery simulation had been used for building various styles of facade with different appearances in order to demonstrate the transformation in terms of the degree of interference.


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