  • 學位論文


Analysis of Voltage Sag of Tainan Science-Based Industrial Park due to Lightning Strokes of Nearby Transmission Line

指導教授 : 王瑋民


由於台灣地處亞熱帶,在雷雨季節裡,尤其在夏季,特別容易發生雷電,當閃電擊中輸電線時,注入巨大的能量,造成線路與設備的損壞與衍生的損失相當慘重,對供電品質有極大影響。南科園區位於台南縣新市鄉,而台南縣鄰近山區位處高落雷區,因部分輸電線路通過該高落雷區,可能因雷擊造成南科園區內電壓驟降,造成生產損失。 本論文首先介紹雷的產生與雷擊突波特性與影響,接著利用台電鐵塔定位坐標、歷年落雷資料,分析南科鄰近各輸電線路之雷擊機率分佈;再依事故紀錄資料,針對可能雷擊點進行線路故障模擬,與實際監測壓降數據比對。最後依不同故障類型,模擬分析不同故障點造成之南科電壓驟降,提供電力品質改善參考。


For a country situated at the subtropical zone, such as Taiwan, lightning occurs very often, especially in summer. When the overhead-lines were hit by lightning strokes, the huge energy would be injected. Many damages and related losses on transmission lines and apparatus due to lightning strokes are very severe. Also, the quality and reliability of power delivered are decreased. Tainan Science-Based Industrial Park (TSBIP) lies in Sin-shih Township Tainan County which is close to the mountain area with high lightning-stroke rate. Because many transmission lines go through this area, voltage sags at TSBIP caused by lightning strokes may result in production loss. In this thesis, the phenomenon and characteristic of lightning surge are introduced first. Then the thunder statistical data are used to analyze the probability of lightning strokes of transmission lines near TSBIP. Finally, based on the historical lightning data recorded, the simulations of voltage sags caused by the lightning strokes on the transmission line are performed. The simulated results are compared and verified with the real monitored data. Simulations of different fault types are performed for the purpose of comparing the voltage sags caused.


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[2]IEEE Std 1410-1997, IEEE Guide for Improving the Lightning Performance of Electric Power Overhead Distribution Lines
[9]Eriksson, A. J., “The Incidence of Lightning Strikes to Power Lines,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 2, July 1987, pp. 859-870.
[10]IEEE Std 1243-1997, IEEE Design Guide for Improving the Lightning Performance of Transmission Lines.


