  • 學位論文


The Effects of Support and Participation in Tobacco Control Policy on Smoking Behavior / Quitting Smoking Intention Among Military Conscripts in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳靜敏


本研究主要目的依據國軍菸害防制政策與Prochaska所提出的跨理論模式之行為改變階段來探討義務役官兵之吸菸行為與戒菸意向。本研究之研究設計為橫斷式調查研究,以群聚取樣台灣北中南東不同軍種包括:國防部、陸軍、海軍、空軍、憲兵、後備、聯勤共七個軍種之義務役官兵,共972名,研究測量工具為參考國內外文獻及國軍菸害防制工作實施計劃與跨理論模式編制而成之結構式問卷,共分三個主要測量變項:國軍菸害防制實施計劃(規範全面禁菸場所、建立無菸支持性環境、衛生宣導活動、菸害防制種子教官及菸害戒治輔導等五方面)之支持及參與程度、吸菸行為/戒菸意向及個人背景資料。最後共得有效問卷901份,所得資料以SPSS 13.0統計軟體進行統計分析。結果發現:(1)役男吸菸盛行率達40.0%。其中曾經吸菸和吸菸者共391人,無戒菸意圖及意圖前期者佔59.6%、意圖期佔17.9%、準備期佔10.2%、行動期佔7.4%、維持期佔4.9%。(2)役男吸菸行為在年齡、最高學歷、入伍前居住地區、軍種、家人吸菸習慣與否及同儕吸菸比例多寡有顯著差異;戒菸行為階段及戒菸意向在年齡、最高學歷及同儕吸菸比例多寡有顯著差異。(3)國軍菸害防制措施之五項次量表的支持度分別與五方面參與程度達顯著正相關(p< .01)。(4)役男對國軍菸害防制措施支持及參與程度在年齡、最高學歷、入伍前居住地區、軍種、家人吸菸習慣與否及同儕吸菸比例多寡有顯著差異。(5)邏輯回歸分析發現最高學歷高中專科以下、後備軍種、家人有吸菸、朋友/同事吸菸多逾半數(含)以上、菸害衛生教育宣導支持程度及菸害衛生教育宣導參與程度與吸菸行為呈正相關;而建立支持性環境支持程度、建立支持性環境參與程度與吸菸行為呈負相關。而戒菸意向則顯示年齡、規範全面禁菸支持程度、菸害衛生教育宣導參與程度與戒菸意向呈正相關;而規範全面禁菸參與程度與戒菸意向呈負相關。,本研究依據研究結果進行討論並針對軍隊菸害防制實質的應用與未來學術研究的方向提出建議。


The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between Taiwanese military conscripts’ somking behavior/quitting somking intention and their support and participation toward Tobacco Control Policy based on the stages of behavior change of Prochaska’s Transtheoretical Model. The study design was a cross-sectional survey research. The participants were 972 conscripts who were servicing in the Department of Defense, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Reserve, the Service, and the Gendarmeie cluster sampled in 4 parts of Taiwan. The self-administered structural questionnaire consisted of three parts: Support and Participation toward Tobacco Control Policy, Somking behavior/quitting somking intention and sociodemographic characteristics. Totally, 901 valid samples were collected. SPSS 13.0 was used for statistics analysis. The major findings were as followed. (1)The prevalence of current smoking was 40.0% during military service. Among 391 ever and current smokers, 59.6% were in precontemplation, 17.9% were in contemplation, 10.2% were in preparation, 7.4% were in action, 4.9% were in maintenance stages. (2) Age, education level, residential area, smoking habits of familis and ratio of smoking peers had significantly influence on subjects’ smoking behavior. Age, education level and ratio of smoking peers also had significantly influence on subjects’ stage of smoking cessation and qutting somking intention. (3) Level of support was positively correlated with participation in every domain of Military Tobacco Control Policy. (4)Age, education level, residential area, smoking habits of familis and ratio of smoking peers had significantly influence on both support and participation twoard Tobacco Control Policy. (5) Results of stepwise logistic regression analyses indicating that being high school graduateds and under, the Reserve, families with smoking habits, higher (>50%) ratio of smoking peerssiblings/partner smoking, higher support and participation toward tobacco hazard education; lower support and participation toward nonsmoking environment had higher related risk for being a smoker. Subjects who were older, higher support for nonsmoking enviornment regulation and higher participation in tobacco hazard education, and lower participation in nonsmoking enviornment regulation had higher relative risk for having quitting smoking intention. Based on results of this study, further implementation of tobacco control in military were recommended.




