  • 學位論文


Enhancing Medical Institution Regulations on Electronic Medical Record Sensitivity and Campus-wide Access

指導教授 : 楊哲銘


本論文研究之題目為「論醫療機構電子病歷法規之強化–以敏感性及跨院調閱電子病歷資料為中心」,係以比較法之方式就外國相關法制與文獻進行分析比較,後續再輔以問卷調查之研究方法去了解、探究非醫療專業人員/醫療專業人員,對於敏感性電子病歷及其跨院調閱的管理方式等二個議題的看法及見解,並佐以統計軟體加以分析,以為電子病歷法規於敏感性及跨院調閱二部份需否再為強化或為何種強化之依據,讓國內對於電子病歷法規容有研究之先進或醫療機構於電子病歷法規之研修是否需做調整之層面上容有較深一層的認識。 就敏感性電子病歷而言,本論文研究之方向首先是從心理學的層面去理解所謂「敏感」一詞之意義,再詳述各國就此議題之討論或措舉之後,綜合分析一初步結論後,提供些許見解及建議事項。另就跨院調閱之部分,則是從法制欠缺之現狀出發,參酌各國電子病歷的跨院調閱制度之後,提出個人拙見,並試圖以法制化之方式對此做較完善之管理建議。如上所述,拙等希冀藉由這二個關於電子病歷議題法規強化之淺薄研究見解,提供給國內對電子病歷法規容有興趣研究之先進或醫療機構,對電子病歷的未來能有另一個截然不同的發展概念及方向。


This thesis studies regulation enhancement on Electronic Medical Record (EMR) sensitivity and campus-wide access in medical institutions. After a comparison of topic related foreign legal institutions and literature, survey methodology was used to investigate medical organization workers’ opinion on sensitive medical records and their inter-organizational management. With the help of statistics software, the thesis analyzes the needs and rationalities to enhance regulations on EMR sensitivity and campus-wide access so as to deepen domestic understanding of current EMR regulation researches. The thesis first attempts to the meaning of sensitive to electronic medical records from psychology perspective, then elaborates current discussion and actions on the subject in other countries. After a comprehensive analysis of existing issues, it gives some suggestions on regulation enhancement on sensitive EMR. The thesis also discusses current “lack of law” status of inter-organizational electronic medical records exchange, and provides managerial recommendations based on legal attempts by other countries. With this study, we hope to provide a different prospect and path for the development of Taiwan EMR in the future.


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David Blumenthal, Launching HITECH, N Engl J Med 2010; 362:382-385, February 4, 2010. 2015/05/13 Available at: http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp0912825.
