  • 學位論文


Effect Evaluation of the Emotion Growth Group for Depressive Patients: Emotional intelligence enhancement and depressive symptoms improvement

指導教授 : 謝碧玲


目前憂鬱症之盛行率節節攀高,顯示憂鬱正慢慢地進入我們週遭生活。憂鬱患者在情緒能力的展現上有所缺失,如較易經驗到負向情緒經驗、常使用芻思的方式處理情緒等。由此可知憂鬱患者在情緒經驗上較無法做有效因應,若能幫助個體在面對負向情緒時運用適當技巧與策略予以管理,將能改善其情緒生活、過得更健康,因此對於憂鬱患者情緒方面的處理、改善,更顯重要。 故研究者欲以提升情緒智能為目標,以情緒成長團體為介入策略,一方面評估情緒成長團體對於憂鬱患者的療效,二方面對憂鬱患者的症狀與情緒能力表現加以探討,了解其間之關係。本研究假設情緒團體能改善憂鬱患者之症狀表現、提升其情緒能力,以及憂鬱患者之症狀與情緒能力表現有關。本研究採取二因子混合設計以檢驗此團體療效,分為有無接受本研究計畫療程( 治療組、對照組)以及時間變項( 團體前測、後測)。本研究共計招收34名憂鬱患者,24名為治療組、10名為對照組。 研究結果發現,參與團體之憂鬱成員在症狀方面無顯著效果。在情緒智能方面,「情緒覺察與表達」的外在中心思考治療組較對照組低,「情緒調節」的逃避想到問題治療組較對照組低、想愉快的事與做放鬆的事治療組較對照組高。其餘結果為治療組在不同時間點上的進步表現,如下所列:「情緒覺察與表達」的表達的信心下降、自我情緒覺察提升;「情緒調節」使用分心方面的調節策略升高,芻思則是下降。在探討憂鬱症狀與情緒能力之相關方面,結果發現在團體介入前,症狀表現越好(憂鬱低、焦慮低、自尊高、自我效能高),情緒偽裝越低、情緒的典型程度越低、自我情緒覺察的清晰度越高、負向表達越低、他人覺察越高(以上為情緒覺察與表達);問題解決越高、發洩情緒越低、做愉快的事越高、逃避問題情境越低、想如何解決問題越高 (以上為情緒調節);情緒效能越高(以上為情緒運用與反思)。團體介入後,症狀改善程度越高,感覺辨識困難越低、自我情緒覺察的清晰度越高、正向表達越高(以上為情緒覺察與表達);重新評估越高、芻思越低、問題解決越高、逃避問題情境越低 (以上為情緒調節);認知式反思越高、情緒效能越高(以上為情緒運用與反思)。上述結果除了可讓研究者了解症狀與情緒能力間的關係外,尚能對團體療效有更多的推論。 綜合以上,結果顯示參與情緒團體無法立即改善症狀,此部分也許是因為成員仍處於學習情緒能力的階段,可能須待一段時間的追蹤後較有明顯療效。情緒智能方面,結果顯示團體確實能提升憂鬱成員之情緒覺察與表達能力及情緒調節能力。且由迴歸分析結果,了解憂鬱症狀與情緒能力的關係,此資料可作為日後發展情緒團體之寶貴訊息。


Abstract Depressive disorders are common mental disorders, and there are many therapies designed for their treatment, but no therapy has yet focuses on emotional theories for intervention. Depressive patients have deficits in their emotional abilities, including cognitive bias toward negative information, and frequent use of rumination to deal with negative mood. It was hypothesized that promoting patients’ emotional intelligence, via using proper skills and strategies to effectively regulate mood experience, depressive patients’ symptoms are reduced. Therefore, this research targeted emotional experiences of the depressive patients as the intervention focus, and developed an Emotion Growth Group to promote emotional abilities. The purpose were to examine whether the group intervention could help improve emotional abilities and reduce depressive symptoms, and to explore the relations between the depressive symptoms improvement and emotional intelligence enhancement. The study adopted a 2x2 factoral mixed design (Factor 1. pretest vs. posttest; Factor 2. emotion growth group vs. control group). There were 34 participants in this study, including 10 in control group. The results were as following: Patients who participated in the intervention group did not show significant symptom improvements. In terms of patients’ emotional abilities, “emotional awareness and expression” abilities – the expressive confidence significantly decreased, the awareness of one’s emotions significantly increased, and the externally oriented thinking significantly decreased; “emotional regulation” abilities – the regulation strategies of distraction significantly increased, and rumination significantly decreased. Regarding the relations between depressive symptoms and emotional abilities: without group intervention, depressive symptoms (low depression, low anxiety, high esteem, high self-efficiency) were related to: 1) low emotional disguise, low typical mood, high clarity of emotion awareness, low negative emotional expressivity, and high emotional awareness of others (the above are emotional awareness and expression abilities); 2) high problem-solving, low emotional venting, high pleasant activities, low avoiding problematic situation, and high problem-solving planning (the above are emotional regulation abilities); 3) high emotional efficacy (the above is emotional utilization and reflection ability). With group intervention, depressive symptom improvements were related to: 1) low difficulty identifying feelings, high clarity of emotion awareness, and high positive emotional expressivity (the above are emotional awareness and expression abilities); 2) high reappraisal, low rumination, high problem- solving, and low avoiding problematic situation (the above are emotion regulation abilities); 3) and high cognitive reflection, and high emotion efficacy (the above are emotional utilization and reflection abilities). In conclusion, there were no significant symptom improvement, but the emotion growth group was helpful to promoting the emotional awareness and expression abilities and the emotion regulation abilities of depressive patients. Perhaps, longer intervention program is needed for patients to improve emotion abilities, and the symptoms may show improvement during follow-up. In addition, the results of regression analyses pointed out promising relations between depressive symptom improvement and emotion ability enhancement, and it is valuable information for further development of intervention and investigation of emotional processing of mood disorders.


何慧芬(2004)。低落性情感疾患(Dysthymic Disorder)的起因與治療。諮商與輔導,223,20-25。


