  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Dispositional Resilience Personality, Psychological Empowerment, and The Nurse’s Intent –to- stay

指導教授 : 林秋菊


背景:2012年中華民國護理師護士公會針對90家醫療機構調查招募護理人員困難與缺額情形,所公布台閩地區護理人員統計執業率僅58.98%。而人力異動、營運成本相對增加,且易衍生多重問題,包括工作量與人員壓力、病安及醫療糾紛風險、群體職務倦勤等惡性循環效應。 目的:探討護理人員抗壓性格、心理賦權,與護理人員留任意願的相關性。研究結果預期將可提供醫療機構對於人力運用的管理資訊,提高服務效能。 方法:採橫斷式描述相關性研究設計;以方便取樣,由二家收案醫院之研究對象自填結構式問卷,填完後彌封寄回。問卷回收後作資料彙整,分析方法採次數分配、平均數、標準差、百分比、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森績差、複迴歸分析。 結果:(1)服務因素為本身意願,經濟狀況收入足以應對支出、休假品質、升遷機會、工作壓力程度、抗壓性格,心理賦權與留任意願呈顯著相關。(2)留任意願的重要預測因子,依序為休假品質、心理賦權與升遷機會,可解釋變異量為13.9%。 結論:根據研究結果,建議護理主管強化護理人員的專業自主性與工作成就感,建立公平多元化升遷管道,重視同仁排休需求,以此增進護理人員的留任意願。


Background: 2012 Nurses' Association of the Republic of China for 90 medical institutions, nursing recruitment difficulties and vacancy survey the situation, published statistics practicing nurses Taiwan area was only 58.98%. The human movement relative increase in operating costs, and easy-derived multiple problems, including the effects of the vicious cycle of stress and personnel workload, patient safety and medical malpractice risk groups, such as job Juanqin. Purpose: Investigate nurses compressive personality, psychological empowerment, and nurses intent to stay relevance. The results are expected to provide a medical institution for human use management information to improve service performance. Resolution: A cross-sectional descriptive correlational design; convenience sampling, the case study hospitals received two home self-administered structured questionnaire, returning after filling Mi closure. Questionnaires made after data collection, analysis methods adopted frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, percent, one-way ANOVA, Pearson underperformance, multiple regression analysis. Results: (1) Service factor as they wish, the economic situation of income sufficient to meet expenses, vacations quality, promotion opportunities, job stress levels, compression personality, psychological empowerment significantly correlated with the intent to stay. (2) willingness to remain an important predictor of the quality of the order for the holidays, psychological empowerment and advancement opportunities, which explained 13.9% of the variance. Conclusions: According to the findings, it is recommended to strengthen the nurses in charge of professional nursing autonomy and job satisfaction, and establish a fair promotion diversified pipeline, attention needs Hugh row colleagues, in order to enhance nurses' intent to stay.


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