  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Chinese Translations of Sterling Seagrave’s The Soong Dynasty

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


本論文旨在探討並翻譯席格雷夫(Sterling Seagrave)所著頗具爭議性的歷史傳記—《宋氏王朝》(The Soong Dynasty)中的第十一至十四章,並且以兩本中譯本與筆者的譯本相互比較,整理出其間的差異與優缺點後,再探討相關的翻譯理論與技巧。 本論文共分六章。首章為緒論,主要陳述筆者為何選此本書來翻譯的動機與目的,並且介紹本書在歷史上的重要性及其價值。第二章,描述筆者之研究方法,並簡介原著作者與內容。第三章則是對各家譯本進行的評析;第四章詳細地介紹翻譯本書時所遭遇的困難,筆者所採取的各種因應方式,以及翻譯理論的運用。第五章為翻譯實務探討,深入探討書中的語言結構與深層涵義。最後一章為結論,總結翻譯本書的心得與期許,並提供給其他譯者作為日後建議。 從撰寫這本論文筆者深深體會到,基本上譯者扮演的是以譯文來表達原作者意思的角色,翻譯的工作事實上是何等的艱難。但是若偶有對原著的心領神會,並順利譯出,則翻譯之工作不啻如同自已創作一本書,其快樂感覺難以言喻。


This thesis is a comparative study of the two published translation versions of Sterling Seagrave’s The Soong Dynasty, a controversial biography. Related translation theories and techniques are also discussed in the thesis. It is divided into six chapters. Chapter One introduces the background of The Soong Dynasty and describes the author’s motives and purposes to translate this book. Chapter Two is a brief introduction of this biography and its author. Chapter Three compares my translation version with the other two versions. Chapter Four lists problems and my solutions to these problems and difficulties when I translated this biographical masterpiece. Some related translation theories are also discussed in details in this chapter. Chapter Five analyses language structure and its deep-level meanings. Chapter Six is a conclusion of this thesis and my suggestions for other translators who may translate historical biography in the future. The last part is my translation of Chapter 11-14 of The Soong Dynasty. Through writing this thesis, I have learned that translators play the role of changing one language into another and that this is indeed a very difficult job. Nonetheless, the translator needs patience and hard working so that an excellent translation could come out to fulfill some of the translator’s achievement and satisfaction.


Douglas, Robinson (2003), Becoming a Translator,
Fawcett, Peter (1997), Translation and Language,
Kraszewski, Charles S. (1998), Four Translation Strategies Determined by the Particular Needs of the Receptor, Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press.
Pym, Anthony (1998), Method in Translation History,
Manchester: St. Jerome.


