  • 學位論文

策略聯盟夥伴選擇影響因素之研究 - 層級分析法之運用

A Study of the Impact Factors of Strategic Alliance Partner Selection – the Application of AHP

指導教授 : 劉家銘


摘要 隨著台灣電信市場逐步釋出與自由化、連帶電信工程界業績也蓬勃發展,工程公司的競爭者不再侷限本土同業間互相競賽,而是需面對跨國大型企業的挑戰。因此策略聯盟被認為是提昇企業競爭力的最大助益。本研究探討的大亞聯合工程公司在日益競爭的台灣通信工程業務上與各項商場上的活動,策略聯盟夥伴影響之因素,並以外部策略聯盟(供需聯盟、異業聯盟、同業聯盟)作為研究的對象。採層級分析之方法加以驗証,期望提出一套策略聯盟夥伴選擇影響因素之準則。 本研究以大亞聯合工程公司內外部策略聯盟夥伴、學界及中華電信高階主管作為問卷受訪對象,寄發16份問卷,回收有效問卷12 份,經由層級分析等統計方法,歸納出數點重要的實證結論,分述如下: 1.夥伴選擇準則中互補性、合作性、相容性的目標對策略聯盟的影響上有較顯著差異,而文化性對策略聯盟則影響相對較不明顯。 2.夥伴選擇準則中互補性、合作性、相容性及文化性的四個構面,經實證結果是存在顯著正向之影響,環環相扣,彼此影響緊密攸關,每一個環節均不可偏廢。 3.由本研究得知,「管理團隊相容性」為影響程度最大之準則,其次為「技術與資源的互補」、「信任與承諾」、「合作關係」、「潛在的溝通障礙」,這五個因素的確是能影響方案選擇的重要關鍵。


Abstract As the step-wise open and liberalization of telecommunication market in Taiwan, the telecom-engineering industry also grew boomingly, the competition in the industry was no longer limited in domestic company, but had to face the challenge from big-scale cross-country companies. Therefore, strategic alliance was considered the most benefit for enhancing enterprise’s competitive competency. This research discussed the activities and impacts of member from strategic compliance of Ta Ya Telecom engineering company, and took the external strategic compliance (supply-demand alliance, cross-industry alliance and in-industry alliance) as research subjects. Hierarchical analysis was applied to verify the results, with hopes to bring up rules for influential factors in partner selection. This research chose research subjects from the executives from Chunghwa Telecom, professionals from academic field and Ta Ya Telecom engineering company, 16 portions of questionnaires delivered and 12 portions recycled. The empirical conclusions concluded through statistical approaches such like descriptive analysis and hierarchical analysis were: 1. In partner selection rules, goals from complement, cooperation and cohesion had more significant influences on strategic alliance, unlike the goals from culture. 2. The four dimensions of complement, cooperation, cohesion and culture in partner selection rules was proved to be had significantly positive influences upon each other in a closely related way. 3. From this research, the rule with greatest influence was “cohesion of managerial team”, followed by “complement of technology and resources”, “trust and commitment”, “cooperative relationship” and “potential barriers to communication.” These five factors were definitely key factors influencing project selection.


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