  • 學位論文


Effects of Housing Pattern on Sense of Community and Neighborhood Relationships

指導教授 : 薩支平


經濟快速發展、社會呈現多元文化,都市社區群聚關係備受衝擊而處於蛻變之中。住宅是社會行為最初發生的場所,居民間的認知與互動將凝聚成當代社會的樣貌。本研究以台南市居民為對象,採問卷調查,探討實質環境對社區意識及鄰里關係的影響。 本研究「社區意識」經因素分析後形成三個構面,分別是社會連繫、鄰里親和及場所認同。二代同住、國(初)中教育程度、已婚及房屋為自有者,社會連繫較高;年齡50-59歲、二代同住、國(初)中教育程度及已婚者,鄰里親和較高;房屋為自有及居住時間長者,場所認同較高。已婚、房屋為自有及居住時間長者之鄰里關係較佳。心理認知與行為互動呈現正相關,所以社區意識與鄰里關係相互影響。住宅配置為人車分道與人車共道連棟透天住宅,兩種形式對鄰里關係及社區意識的影響並不明顯。 本研究發現,居民對鄰居及所居住的社區引以為榮,但對新鄰居的互動及公共事務的參與則較被動。居住時間愈久,居民的歸屬感愈強,鄰里關係愈佳,然而居住15年以上居民因已漸漸形成固定的生活型態或習慣使然,對鄰里間的連繫及環境認同反而有降低的現象。社區公共空間主要為通行或停車功能,有待加強規劃鄰里互動的活動空間,提高實質環境的效能,促進鄰里交流。


Booming economy and converging of multiple cultures have significant impacts on neighborhood relationships in urban communities, and such relationships are always evolving. Living habitats are places where social interaction begins, and the cognition and the interaction among residents represent the contemporary lives in cities. By adopting questionnaire survey to Tainan residents, this study examines how design elements affect the sense of community and neighborhood relationships. There are three constructs derived from “sense of community”, they are “social contact”, “attachment to neighborhood” and “local identification”. Two-generation families, junior high school education, married, and home owners tend to have more social contacts; aged 50 to 59, two-generation families, junior high school education and married persons shows higher level of attachment to his/her neighborhood; home owners and residents of longer tenure have higher local identification. Concerning neighborhood relationship, married, home owners and residences of longer tenure show better relationship. The psychological cognition and the behavior are revealed positively interrelated; thus the sense of community and the neighborhood relationship are closely associated. The two housing patterns of town houses, whether pedestrian and vehicle share the same circulation or not, has no significant effect on neighborhood relationship and sense of community. This study finds that residents are proud of their neighborhood and their community, but they passively interact with their new neighbors and in participating public affairs. In general, longer tenure leads to higher local identification and better neighborhood relationship, this study also reveals that stable residence and habituation lead to less neighborhood contacts and less local identification among those residents who have stayed for more than 15 years. The functions of the public spaces in a community are mainly for passing or parking purposes, it is necessary to enhance the design elements for neighborhood interaction, raise the usefulness of physical settings, so that neighborhood interaction will increase.




