  • 學位論文


Coping with Cross-cultural Social Services by Social Workers--Examples from Social Workers Engaged in the Marital Immigrant Service of Southeast Asia nationality in Kaohsiung Area

指導教授 : 卓春英


婚姻移民已占台灣重要人口組成份子之一,面對多元族群社會與需求的來臨,社會工作也必然有所變遷與應對新挑戰。本研究以在高雄地區各公、私部門之社福機構中,從事服務東南亞籍跨國婚姻女性移民之社工員為主要研究對象,透過質性研究資料蒐集方式,來了解跨文化服務推展的實務經驗、以及跨文化服務過程中社工員所面臨的困境與因應方式。 經過深度訪談八位受訪者的研究結果分析發現,社工員們不論在承接跨文化服務前對於服務對象的印象或接觸的經驗為何,在她們真正與新移民有所互動後,社工員們都會用專業工作價值與原則來提供跨文化服務;另外,目前跨文化實務工作的實施,已漸漸嶄露屬於台灣本土化特性的特質;而跨文化社會工作的困難則是來自於服務對象的特殊之處,諸如文化差異、身分與國籍、或是對於婚姻移民的偏見等因素;最後,除了發現這些跨文化服務的困境與問題外,也發現跨文化服務的社工員採用多元的方式來因應這些不同的工作問題與困難,並且在本土的跨文化工作中展現多元文化的專業觀點,並隨時對於實務工作有所反思與省察。 本研究最終,也依循研究結果期盼跨文化實務能持續累積更多經驗與傳承,並應該健全實務上對跨文化工作者的支持體系與彙整相關資源系統,而能建構屬於台灣當地的跨文化社會工作模式,並能在未來學術研究能繼續鑽研跨文化相關議題。


Since Marital Immigrants has become one of the major components of Taiwan’s population the social work must change and response to the new challenge for facing the multi-ethic society and the coming needs. The informants are social workers who work at Government Sector or Non-profit Organizations engaged in Southeast Asia Marital Immigrant Service in Kaohsiung Area. Through the qualitative research data collect method, we could understand the practical experience of promoting cross-cultural service, and obstacles and solutions social workers face during the cross-cultural service. After analyzing the in-depth interview of eight informants, the result showed that no matter what impression or experience the cross-cultural social workers have toward the Marital Immigrant before they take this job, they will provide cross-cultural services based on professional work values and principles after getting in touch with Marital Immigrant. Furthermore, according to the research, the Marital Immigrant Service has already showed many local characteristics of Taiwan. And the difficulties of this job are about the specialty of clients such as the cultural difference, identity, nationality, or the bias against Marital Immigrants. Other than discovering the obstacles and problems of cross-cultural social works, the social workers are using multi-ways to coping. They had displayed professional multi-cultural viewpoints on the service and reflect on them at anytime. Finally, it is expected that the cross-cultural practice could continue accumulating more experience and inheritance. And further to improve the support system on cross-cultural workers practically and to conduct relative source system for constructing Taiwan’s local cross-cultural social work model, study related issues in the future studies.




