  • 學位論文


Post-disaster of Relocating Policy-The Case of Syuejia, Ergangzi in Tainan

指導教授 : 邵珮君


從九二一大地震、七二水災到莫拉克風災之重建過程中,政府與民間組織提供相關行政程序簡化與資金上的協助,使能快速完成遷住,反之1989年莎拉颱風造成台南縣學甲鎮二港仔嚴重淹水,政府提議遷住方式解決水患,但此遷住案並未受到政府協助與民間組織的資金協助,在經歷15年的遷住歷程後終於完成遷住,因此本研究希望藉由台南縣學甲鎮二港仔遷住案中,當初因選地意見不合,使遷住用地分屬於都市計畫土地與非都市計畫土地之兩地,釐清用地變更作業程序上有所差異,並深入探討公部門與居民之間的溝通協調關係,找出影響遷住過程中協商關係之要因,進而使居民參與遷住過程凝聚社區意識,以作為未來遷住案政府政策及居民對於遷住政策執行與溝通態度之參考。 本研究以文獻回顧與深入訪談方式,探討遷住重建變遷歷程之居民內部協調關係、行政作業之溝通協調、環境規劃之角色關係,藉此瞭解遷住政策與協商過程中政府部門、當地居民與中介角色之間的關係。 1.政府部門-遷住過程中,政府雖然提供行政作業快速審查,但政府內部水平連結缺乏溝通協調與政策決議之重要角色,並未主動積極辦理相關業務,因此未來政府應成立專案小組,專門辦理相關行政作業,並應有能力決策之角色。 2.當地居民-居民積極參與討論,內部先取得共識與信任,進而向政府表達意見,以維護自身權利,參與遷住地點選定之考量因素為生活機能與遠離災害威脅,並且希望能回原居住地工作,規劃用地上居民對於道路規劃與廟宇的興建較為重視,積極參與遷住過程有助於居民形成新的地方感,並延續過去之生活與文化。 3.中介角色-此遷住案中中介角色有民意代表、文書處理人員,遭遇重大困難,居民透過民意代表陳情,才能獲得政府重視進行討會協商,另外為文書處以人員必須具備專業行政能力、取得居民信任及確實傳達政府與居民意見,使溝通協商過程中意見不會產生意見分歧之狀況,因此遷住過程中介角色也有很重要的地位,做為政府與居民之間溝通橋樑。 藉由政府部門、當地居民與中介角色之間的有效溝通協調、相互監督與督促下,使遷住過程中減少意見不合與衝突,並能符合居民需求之居住環境,進而使遷住案能順利完成,藉此遷住案能對於未來遷住重建過程中,政府部門、當地居民及中介角色於遷住政策執行與溝通態度之參考依據。


After the Chi-Chi earthquake and Morakot Typhoon the public and the private sectors provided administrative support as well as funds to promote relocating projects undertaken as part of wider recovery efforts. However, in one exceptional case, that of the Ergangzi area of Xuejia Township, which was flooded after Sarah Typhoon in 1989. In this area, relocation efforts were successfully completed over the course of 15 years without any funding from either the public or the private sectors. Local residents relocating space divided into non-urban area and urban one. The study discussed changing the land use by difference operating procedures. Furthermore, what kinds of factors related to relocating project from the viewpoints of residents and the public sector to understand the mechanism of organizational communication were also analized in this study. The purpose of this study is to find out key points which may simplify the process of relocation and reconstruction. Literature review, field survey and interview are applied as methodology mainly. . Through the interview process, we try to make clear the relationship between relocation procedures and communication with the government departments, local residents and the intermediary role. The findings and suggestions from this study are as follows: 1.To governmental departments- Although documents did, in the most rapid way, serve to handle administrative work and the relevant examination and approval of the matters at hand, government departments is lack of communication and professionals. The government isn’t taking the initiative to handle the relevant business. Therefore, The Government should set up a special team concerntrate on resettlement affairs in the future. 2.To local residents- In the process of relocation, residents should express their options timely, and join actively in the resettlement programs and internal discussions. Besides, the government should negociate with residents and grasp the needs of residents such as to be away from floods, and to hope to back to the original place. The expectations of new place from residents focus on construction of roads and the temple. Through expectations mentioned above, the residents could identify new place and would be able to continue their life and culture in the new place. 3.To intermediary section - Intermediary section could help residents to communicate with local government. During relocating process, intermediary section would get documents to residents and help the local government to pass messages to residents. Besides, leadership plays an important role in relocating program is also found.




