  • 學位論文


An Approach to Translate Christian English Religious Texts into Chinese: A Case Study on Translating In the Beginning were Stories, Not Texts

指導教授 : 李恭蔚
共同指導教授 : 莊雅棠(Ya-Tang Zhuang)


本論文旨在透過翻譯基督宗教文本《太初有故事》一書,來說明結合直譯與意譯的翻譯技巧才能產出品質有保證的譯作。 筆者在第一章說明了研究動機、目的、方法和研究限制。第二章文獻探討的部分介紹了基督宗教文本英譯中的歷史,也探討與本論文相關的翻譯理論。第三章和第四章是實務的舉例,透過《太初有故事》中的譯句來說明為何要兼顧直譯、意譯及直譯與意譯並重的技巧。筆者在這兩章中特別提出實用的翻譯技巧如增添字詞、四字成語或套語、正面表達法等等。除此之外,也提出譯者應具有的翻譯態度、不同領域的知識充實、英漢雙語能力不斷加強的必要性。 本論文透過翻譯的實務來說明忠實與通順在一個好的翻譯中是必須相輔相成的。我們不須採取極端直譯的翻譯態度,同時也不可矯枉過正,一昧追求譯成文就是要完全符合譯成文讀者的語言習慣和口味。尤其是基督宗教文本英譯中,涉及神聖性和權威性的問題,不可不慎。 筆者在結論指出希望本論文能對有心致力於基督宗教文本英譯中的人有所助益,對此類譯本的品質之提升能有所貢獻。


直譯 意譯 宗教文本 故事神學 宋泉盛


The theme of my thesis is to explain that good translation is produced by combining the techniques of literal translation and sense-for-sense translation. Chapter one talks about the motive, purpose, method, and limitation of this thesis. Chapter two discusses about a brief history of translated Christian religious texts from English to Chinese. In this section, translation theories which have to do with the thesis are also discussed. Chapters three and four are sentences taken from In the Beginning were Stories, Not Texts to be translated and explained for the differences among literal translation, sense-for-sense translation, and a combined translation of literal translation and sense-for-sense translation. Many practical translating techniques, such as adding words and using Chinese idioms or four-character expressions are discussed. This thesis also deals with the attitude of a translator, the importance of gaining good background knowledge in different subject areas. This thesis proposes that faithfulness and fluency are two sides of one coin. These two principles of translation should go hand in hand. It is not good to use only literal translation. Yet, it is not recommended to use only sense-for-sense translation. The translator must be able to compromise between these two methods. The author hopes that this thesis could be helpful to those who are interested in translating Christian religious texts, ensuring that the quality of the Christian religious texts is good.


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