  • 學位論文


Analyzing the Post-Disaster Relocation of Typhoon Morakot : In the case of Chang-chi community

指導教授 : 邵珮君


遷住重建政策中,原地重建與異地重建,何種方式較能合乎居民 的居住需求?莫拉克風災後,莫拉克重建委員會於8月29日,召開第5 次災後重建工作小組會議,前行政院長劉兆玄表示:災民安置策略將 以「以永久屋為主,組合屋為輔」,其中,在莫拉克風災重建永久屋 主要為政府與民間團體共同合作興建,為風災後家園重建主要方式。 回顧台灣在風災重建期間,重建政策首先劃定特定區域及安全堪 慮地區後,商討應以原地重建或異地重建方式進行復興,最後再針對 永久屋基地的選址討論,進而完成永久屋興建以提供災民居住。莫拉 克風災後的永久屋興建主要以異地重建為主,但異地重建的過程中, 關於永久屋基地選址、永久屋建造形式等議題產生許多相關問題,也 造成爭議聲不斷,進而使得重建進度落後。然而關於上述爭議不斷的 問題,多數原因大都在於溝通協調的環節產生問題,因此該如何有效 的運用溝通協調方式來促使災區順利完成重建,亦成為重要課題。 本研究選擇具有代表性的長治百合永久屋基地作為案例,運用半 結構式之訪談方式,藉以瞭解公部門、民間團體與居民三方在遷住重 建歷程的理念、接受意見的程度及彼此間如何進行溝通協調等互動關 係。並探討重建政策在遷住重建歷程中所造成的影響,透過研究發現 影響重建的因子為居民的重建意願、.考量原居住地的安全性、社區 重建組織的領導力、居民參與重建的重要性、各方的互動溝通協調關 係、資金援助、重建議題之多元串連、重建政策、產業經濟來源等影 響遷住過程的重要因素,以提供未來在遷住過程中三方溝通協調關係 之應對,與做為未來遷住方式、政府政策及居民遷住需求之考量。


In the relocating reconstruction policy, which of the followings can best satisfy residents needs, In-place Reconstruction” or “Relocated Reconstruction?” After the typhoon Morakot, the central government decided to settle those victims by means of Permanent housing while viewing prefabricated houses as subsidiaries. With this regard, ”Permanent housing” is considered as Relocated Reconstruction which is cooperated by the government and the civil society. This is also the main method in rebuilding homes. However, recalling the whole reconstruction process after the disaster, the first procedure of the reconstruction policy came to specify special areas and dangerous areas. Then second step was to discuss the locations for the Permanent housing, and the last one related to fulfillment of the construction. Still, not all the reconstruction projects could be accomplished smoothly. Variables such as the land ownership, building lots, and the way how it is built were also involved in. All these issues caused conflicts and delayed the construction process. Facing those post-disaster problems, how to apply communication strategies in order to facilitate the reconstruction policy to works smoothly becomes one of the most important issues in the post-disaster construction. Therefore, this study selects the typical case, Chang-chi permanent housing community, as an example. Through the literature review and the semi-structured interviews, this study finds out the relationships among the public sectors, civil society and residents during the reconstruction process. The relationships include their ideas, acceptances of opinions, and how to negotiate with one another during the reconstruction process. In addition, this study also investigates the influences of reconstruction policy in the reconstruction process, and finds out the most influential factor in order to provide suggestions for the future reconstruction policy.


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