  • 學位論文


A Study of spatial organization of the Ancestral Halls in Kinmen

指導教授 : 林會承


「祠堂」是一群人共同祭祀祖先的空間,也是家族活動的中心。本論文以金門島和烈嶼各鄉鎮的祠堂為對象,由空間使用的角度切入,探討空間組織的關係。透過實地的勘查、訪談,得到祠堂的12種分類、4大空間單元,以及7種普遍的單元組合。進一步由當地居民的使用和認知,將祠堂分成「廳」和附屬空間兩種性質,並歸納出6個空間準則,以此建立空間組織模型。本研究內容包括祠堂現況、類型、空間單元、空間使用及空間觀,各章節區分如下: 第一章、緒論 本研究之動機、相關文獻回顧、研究內容、方法、研究目的與對象篩選之擬定。並對金門祠堂做一導言,概述祠堂現況、運作方式,藉此了解祠堂空間與儀式產生的支持來源。 第二章、祠堂類型與空間單元 本章節對祠堂的空間構成基礎及空間類型做分類整理,整合實際調查中出現的空間,逐一討論各個空間單元,歸納出空間和使用的關係,分成靜態和動態2種。 第三章、祠堂的空間與使用 延續前章節,討論空間內既有的常態擺設,即靜態的空間使用,包括:整體配置、祖龕、神主牌、長案桌的安排方式。 第四章、祠堂的祭祀活動與空間使用 討論特定時間的空間安排,即動態的空間使用,以經常性祭祀為主,分析儀式舉行時,祠堂內臨時性擺設、人員與空間的關係。 第五章、結論 綜合前述的分析,了解祠堂空間既有的靜態空間安排、祭祀儀式舉行時動態的空間安排,將兩者複雜的觀念化成數個空間準則,從這些準則提出居民的空間觀,並建立祠堂的空間組織模型做為結論。


“Ancestral hall” is a space for worshiping the ancestors and the center of family activities. This research focused on the ancestral halls in Kinmen Island and Lieyu. Based on field investigation and interviews, this research found that the local residents divide the ancestral halls into 12 types, as well as 4 spatial units and 7 types of common unit combinations. Further study on local residents’ use and concept of space revealed the relationships between space organizations and the implication of space. Based on the principle of space, this research proposed the spatial organization model of the ancestral halls in Kinmen. The research content covers the present condition, types, spatial units, spatial usage, and spatial concepts of ancestral halls. The paper is organized as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter describes the research motives, literature review, research content, method, research purpose, and subject selection. It also introduces the ancestral halls in Kinmen, and explains the ancestral hall space and origination of rituals. Chapter 2 Types and spatial units of ancestral halls This chapter classifies and integrates the spatial construction and types of ancestral halls, analyzes the space existing in field inspections, discusses each spatial unit, and divides the relationship between space and usage into 2 types: static and dynamic. Chapter 3 The space and usage of ancestral halls Based on the previous chapter, this chapter discusses the common ornaments in the space, which is also the static use of space, including the arrangement of the entire ornament, the altar, ancestral tablet and the long table Chapter 4 The worship ceremonies and space usage of ancestral halls This chapter discusses the space arrangement of specific time, which is the dynamic use of space, focuses on regular worship and analyzes the space between temporary ornament, the people and space during the ceremony. Chapter 5 Conclusion This chapter concludes on the static space arrangement within ancestral halls, the dynamic space arrangement of worship ceremonies, and converts these 2 complicated concepts into several space principles. It then proposes the space concept of local residents, and establishes the space organization model of the ancestral halls.


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