  • 學位論文


Constructing Indicators of Effectiveness Evaluation for Revitalization Planning of Stilt Houses on Rua dos Navegantes in Coloane, Macao

指導教授 : 曾介宏


在澳門路環島船人街的海邊,有許多與市區頗不相仿的建築,澳門人稱之為「棚屋」。這是澳門唯一保留的水岸居住形態的地區,具有文化的獨特性與歷史文化價值。針對船人街棚屋的活化規劃,澳門政府在2012年公佈相關的研究結果。在政府部門與許多澳門人的認知裡,「船人街棚屋」是一個獨特而有價值的存在的文化資產;然而,此項價值為何,眾說紛紜。相關保存與活化進行時當持何種觀點,方能保留此地的獨特風情,仍有待討論,也形成開啟本研究的動機,活化效益評估之指標建構對於相關規劃之重要性。 評估廣泛應用在政策、管理、教育以及保護區等範疇,評估能有效地測量計劃過程中的狀況,或計劃執行後的達成狀況,此外,透過效益評估指標也能測量歷史與文化價值的程度。藉著文獻回顧對評估理論的理解,本研究以Fiona Leverington等(2010)的保護區效益評估指標作為參考,進行利害關係人分析、訪談法、深度訪談法與焦點團體法,初步建立澳門路環船人街棚屋活化規劃的效益評估指標。 首先,從媒體報導收集活化規劃的討論,綜合利害關係人的意見,以建立澳門路環船人街棚屋活化規劃的效益評估指標之基礎。本研究直接訪問受活化規劃影響的利害關係人,以瞭解其想法並進行指標修正。然後,對澳門文化遺產的相關政府部門主管進行深度訪談,獲取澳門文化政策的意向並進行指標修正。最後,進一步透過焦點團體法,以專家學者的觀點與角度對相關效益評估指標進行最後修正、確認及評分。 最後,從45項指標中精煉選出其中較為重要的10項指標,涵蓋狀況、規劃、投入、過程、產出及成果六個階段,有效地監控活化規劃的過程與達成狀況,以及建立指標來體現活化的核心價值,證明效益評估是重要的文化資產政策工具,也可以澳門路環船人街棚屋規劃為例,作為活化效益評估之指標建構之研究的參考。


Rua dos Navegantes, stilt houses in Macanese, are buildings along the coastal area in Coloane, structurally differed from urban architectures. This area is the only area where waterside residential architectures have been well-preserved in Macao, also representing its unique historic and cultural value. In 2012, the Macao government proclaimed the investigation onto revitalization planning for Rua dos Navegantes. Both governments and residents agreed with stilt houses as the distinctive and precious cultural heritage in Macao. However, opinions on the substantial value of stilt houses were controvertibly divided. The division revealed a pending question about unique folkways preserved in process of revitalization, as well as motivated the purpose of this study, exploring the importance of indicators for effectiveness evaluation on related plans. Evaluation has launched in a wide range of research communities, such as policy, management, education, and protected area. Not merely can evaluation apply effectively detection to an ongoing project but it can ascertain the degree of achievement. Additionally, by indicators, effectiveness evaluation devises a way to assess historic and cultural merit. Based on the literature review of evaluation theories, this study referred to the indicators of protected area effectiveness evaluation by Fiona Leverington et al. (2010) moreover, applying four sociological methods, namely, stakeholder analysis, interview, in-depth interview, focus group interview to construct preliminary indicators of effectiveness evaluation for revitalization planning of stilt houses in Coloane, Macao. The frame of indicators of effectiveness evaluation in this study began with collective notions of stakeholders from reports about revitalization planning of stilt houses. Secondly, The frame was revised according to the interviews with the stakeholders involved in the plan. Thirdly, it revised again to integrate with governments’ policy by in-depth interviews with the Minister of Promotion of Cultural and Creative Industries in Macao. Furthermore, it referred to the comments of specialists by the focus group interviews. The study compressed 45 indicators into 10 most important ones ultimately, including 6 phrases – context, planning, input, process, output, and outcome. Taking revitalization planning of Rua dos Navegantes in Macao as example, this study established a model of research on indicators of effectiveness evaluation for revitalization planning by efficiently inspecting the procedure and achievement of plans, and constructing indicators to approach the core value of revitalization. Most of all, this study has proved effectiveness evaluation as a strategic tool of cultural heritage.


李宣德、馮豐隆(2009)。森林生物生態面向之永續發展指標。 林業研究季刊, 31(2),61-76。
