  • 學位論文


A Critique Essay on the Film Script IN THEIR 50S

指導教授 : 廖慶松


《半百男女》講述一對年近半百的男女,在一趟郵輪之旅上所發生的一段浪漫喜劇。男主角許華倫是郵輪上的魔術師,充滿熟男魅力,人生閱歷豐富。但隨著時間過去,他的魔術表演逐漸老套不受歡迎,在即將被年輕魔術師取代的挫折下,他開始尋求親情的撫慰,並決定邀請家人到郵輪參加他的紀念晚宴,意外和兒子的相親對象發生一連串荒謬的衝突。 女主角陳嘉燕則是人力公司女主管,強勢挑剔的她,不滿離婚不到一年的前夫隨即和外遇對象再婚,於是謊報女兒的身分和年齡,參加郵輪相親派對,希望找到一位年輕優秀的男友,和前夫一別苗頭。未料她卻和相親對象的魔術師父親發生衝突,女兒也在此時出現拆穿她的身分。事後,這對父子和母女四人更分別發展出撲朔迷離的感情關係,直到旅程中一場暴風雨的來襲,才意外掀開這對半百男女和子女的矛盾心結。 本劇本長度預計100分鐘,主題環繞在這對半百男女在愛情觀和價值觀的衝突,透過和子女的心結,帶出兩人生命的困境,更讓他們重新省思過去的盲點,並再次發現生命的驚喜,和對愛的渴望。論述部份,除了敘述本片的創作緣起和歷程外,也參考主題相似和以中年人為主角的浪漫喜劇電影作為對照。另外也細述本片的角色和空間設定,最後是筆者修改劇本期間的創作歷程和心得。


In Their 50s is a romantic comedy. It features about a woman and a man both in their fifties on a cruise. Hua-Lun Hu, a magician on the cruise, is mature and charming with lots of life experience. But as time goes by, his magic tricks were become old-fashioned and are less popular. He is being replaced by new magicians. Frustrated, he wants to reconnect with his family to find comfort. He invited his family to come to the dinner party his company held for him on the cruise. By coincidence, on the cruise eye-gazing party, he happens to meet his true love, Jia-Yan Chen, who is his beloved son’s blind date. A series of ridiculous and awkward events happen. Jia-Yan Chen, a manager of a human resource bank, is quite tough and picky. She had one marriage. She is discontent with her ex-husband, who is getting married with the home-wrecker in less than a year after she divorced him. She decides to assume her daughter’s identity and age to join the cruise eye-gazing party, to find an outstanding young man to catch up with her ex-husband. However, she didn’t expect to be in conflict with her blind date’s father, Hua-Lun Hu. At the same time, her daughter shows up to reveal her true identity. Afterwards, the father and son, and the mother and daughter, separately develop complicated and confusing relationships. The mixed feelings between two elders and their children would not reveal until a tempest arrives. The length of In Their 50s is approximately 100 minutes. The center of the screenplay is the conflicts between Hua-Lun Hu and Jia-Yan Chen in their concepts of love and life values. Through the misunderstanding between the elders and their children, the screenplay reveals the difficulties in their lives which make them realize their blind spot in the past, and find the surprise of life and desire of love once again. This critique essay not only introduces the inspiration and the process of this author in writing the screenplay, but also compares it with other romantic comedy films. The essay also compares the present screenplay with films of the similar issue and the characters. The essay also discusses the characterization and the use of the cinematic space in the thesis screenplay. To conclude this essay the author reviews the creative process and reflects on how to refine the screenplay.


golden age love romantic comedy magic screenplay


國:Warner Brothers。
Gotta Give)。美國:Columbia Pictures Corporation。
1. 吳瑀騰(2007)。《當高帽遇上燕尾服:台灣職業魔術師之專業認


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