  • 學位論文


The Luantan Opera Arts and Transmission of Pan,Yu-Chiao: Take Example by Fang Yan Zou San Guan

指導教授 : 李秀琴


一句俗諺「吃肉吃三層,看戲看亂彈」,代表肉類以五花最美味,而內行人看戲會選擇最好看的亂彈戲;而人稱「亂彈嬌」的潘玉嬌女士,代表她在亂彈界中的崇高地位。潘玉嬌在年少時即以「小生」行當闖出名號,在新路戲〈黃鶴樓〉中的傳神技藝令人讚嘆。她曾經先後於職業戲班「再復興」、「新全陞」、「老新興」、「慶桂春」、「永吉祥」、「樂天社」與「新美園北管劇團」搭班演出。然而隨著時代變遷,亂彈戲逐漸沒落與失傳,潘玉嬌秉持著熱情與動力,與家族自組成立「亂彈嬌北管劇團」,試圖讓亂彈戲奄奄一息的火能繼續發光燃燒。 潘玉嬌的成就並非僅於舞臺上的光芒,作為教育部第六屆「國家民族藝術薪傳獎」得主的她實至名歸。四十年來南奔北跑地投入教學,栽培新血,傳承的對象不分階級、職業、男女、老少,致力將亂彈戲的精髓薪火相傳下去。於教學之外,她更參與多項保存計畫,以各種方式來推廣與保存,包含錄製亂彈戲曲唱腔與亂彈戲劇目等。 本文包含潘玉嬌生命史的撰寫、傳承貢獻的統整,並以新路戲三十六本之一的正本戲《彩樓配》之折子戲〈放雁走三關〉為例,從教學唱腔的視角來審視今日潘玉嬌的戲曲藝術與傳承,體現出一位國寶級的藝師如何演繹活的傳統。


潘玉嬌 亂彈戲 傳承 放雁走三關


Pan,Yu-Chiao is known as Luantan Opera actress. Because of her comprehensive performing arts, she has a name of “Luantan Jiao”. The best known skill of her is the role she played in Huang He Lou. Pan,Yu-Chiao has joined many Luantan Opera professional troupes, such as “Zai Fu Xing”, “Xin Quan Sheng” ,“Lao Xin Xing”, “Qing Gui Chun”, “ Yong Ji Xiang ” ,“Le Tian She ” ,“ Xin Mei Yuan ”. However, due to the changes of era, Luantan Opera has gradually vanished. Luantan Opera professional troupes were all dismissed. In spite of this situation, Pan,Yu-Chiao used her passion and perseverance to established “Luan-Tan-Chiao Pei-Kwan Opera” with family, trying to let Luantan Opera survive. Not only her outstanding performing arts on stage, But also as “Folk Art Heritage Awards” of Ministry of Education , Pan,Yu-Chiao keeps involving transmission during 40 years. Her student come from all kinds of occupations and ages, She does her best to pass on Luantan Opera. Besides teaching, Pan,Yu-Chiao had join some preservation programs and recorded Luantan Opera CD and DVD. The thesis is consist of life history, contribution of Pan,Yu-Chiao. Furthermore, I will analyze Luantan Opera Fang Yan Zou San Guan. Taking a point of view from music to see the Luantan Opera arts and transmission of Pan,Yu-Chiao.


一、 地方志


