  • 學位論文


A Study On Minamisanriku Cho's Disaster Prevention Education After The Great East Japan Earthquake:Implications For Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊武勳


日本原即為重視防災教育的國家,尤其在2011年東日本大地震後,對於制定防災相關政策及推行防災教育更不遺餘力。本研究旨在藉由彙整日本防災相關法令之沿革、防災教育推行之依據,分析其推行防災相關工作之問題與困難,並調查宮城縣南三陸町實踐防災教育之現況,以為臺灣防災教育之借鏡。 本研究首先使用文獻分析法統整日本防災法令及「學習指導要領」中關於防災教育的政策,梳理其變化之趨勢。其次利用半結構式訪談,訪談防災政策學者、宮城縣南三陸町之地方行政人員、志津川高中校長、歌津國中教師及志津川高中三位參與防災社團的學生,獲得南三陸町現行防災教育的現狀及不同面相的第一手資料並參與觀察志津川高中之避難演練情形。 研究結果發現:1.日本整體趨勢從「防災」走向「減災」;2.透過法令的修正及充實防災教育內容,達成防災教育多元化;3.高中成立防災相關學科;4.實施多情境,無預警,無腳本之避難訓練;5.民眾重視「自助」及「共助」,對「公助」之期待減少。6.南三陸町在有熱誠之校長、教師推動下,成為全日本唯一從國小至高中均成立防災社團之基層自治單位。7.志津川高中的學生雖然平時不常聊及地震的話題,但在避難訓練時仍秉持「自助」的態度,認真參與。 日本給予的防災政策啟示是,臺灣欠缺中央統籌機關、法源不足、學校作為避難所之功能有限、民眾對公助過度期待等。防災教育方面,臺灣之防災競賽未能提升學生防災意識、未培養學生災後存活力及回復力、校園防災訓練內容一成不變等。


Japan is a country that has been attaching importance to disaster prevention education. Especially after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, it spared no effort to develop disaster prevention related policies and implement disaster prevention education. The purpose of this study is to analyze the problems and difficulties in implementing disaster prevention works in Japan by merging the evolution of Japan's disaster prevention related laws and regulations and the basis of disaster prevention education. This study investigated the current situation of disaster prevention education in Minamisanri-cho, Miyagi Prefecture, and discussed implications for Taiwan. In this study, firstly, the author used literature analysis method to integrate the Japan Disaster Prevention Act and the “Learning Guidance Essentials” policy on disaster prevention education, and to sort out the trend of change. Secondly, through semi-structured interviews, the author interviewed 7 people totally, including scholars of disaster prevention policy, the local administrators of Minamisanriku Cho, Miyagi Country, the president of Shizugawa High School, the teacher of Utatsu Middle School, and the students of Shizugawa High School who participated in the “Disaster Prevention Club”. Through these research activities the author explored the status quo of disaster prevention education in Minamisanriku Cho, and obtained the first-hand information on different aspects of the future. The author also participated in the observation of the asylum training situation in Shizugawa High School. This study found that 1. The overall trend is that Japan has transferred the idea from "disaster prevention" to "disaster reduction". 2. Policy amendment enriched the content of disaster prevention education to diversified disaster prevention education. 3. Some high schools established disciplines related to disaster prevention. 4. “Multi-situation, no warning, no scripting disaster drill” are promoted. 5. Japanese people attached importance to "self-help" and "co-help", and the idea of "public assistance" is reduced. 6. Under the promotion of enthusiastic principals and teachers, Minamisanriku Cho has become the only grassroots autonomous unit that has established disaster prevention associations from elementary school to high school. 7. Students in Shizugawa High School seldom talk about earthquakes, however, in the disaster drill, they still adhere to participate seriously with "self-help" attitude. In conclusion, this author proposed suggestions for disaster prevention education in Japan and Taiwan. For Japan, it is expected that Japan will continue to promote students to become subjects of learning, and promote disaster prevention education for schools in non-affected areas, etc. For Taiwan, it is expected that Taiwan can raise the level of central disaster prevention authorities to strengthen horizontal links, and the position of "Disaster Prevention Team Leader" in central government is also necessary. Implications for Taiwan are as follows: 1.Taiwan lacks central coordinating agency, laws; 2. as a shelter, the school has limited function; 2. people are over-expecting public assistance, etc. In disaster prevention education, Taiwan’s disaster prevention competition failed to raise students’ awareness of disaster prevention. Moreover, the school did not train students' post-disaster viability and recovery. Campus disaster prevention training also remains unchanged.


